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与 west-central 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And grieve over the place where previous dynasties once trod:伤心秦汉经行处

望西都 意踟蹰 Gazing at the West Capital, I linger... | 伤心秦汉经行处 And grieve over the place where previous dynasties once trod. | 宫阙万间都作了土 Alas!Those manifold palaces have vanished into du...

Railway Guerilla:(铁道游击队)

Only mothers are the best in the world(世上只有妈妈好) | Railway Guerilla (铁道游击队) | 1, Journey to the west(西游记)

reload Gunlock:最游记

最游记reload 25 | 最游记reload Gunlock 26 | 第一集:往遥远的西方去 Go to the west

A gunrunner's wet dream:这是军火走私商的天堂

were stolen and resold from Ukraine alone,|被盗然后从乌克兰被买走 | A gunrunner's wet dream.|这是军火走私商的天堂 | At the time, the West couldn't care less.|现在,西方并不关心这些

Whan I haik't up to Craigie Hill:当我登上克雷吉山

Whan I haik't up to Craigie Hill 当我登上克雷吉山, | And lookit east and west; 我东西环望; | "In a' the world," said I to mysel', "在这个世界上",我对自己说,

Hail, Hail to Michigan:致敬,向Michigan致敬

Hail to the conquering heroes, 向进取的英雄们致敬, | Hail, Hail to Michigan, 致敬,向Michigan致敬, | The champions of the West!" 西部的优胜者 !"

streaming, the imperial banners haltingly progressed:翠华摇摇行復止

千乘万骑西南行as thousands of horses and carriages moved sout... | 翠华摇摇行復止streaming, the imperial banners haltingly progressed | 西出都门百餘里until they stopped, a hundred li or so west of the ...

Harper Adams:亚当斯大学

52 西英格兰大学University of the West of England | 52 亚当斯大学 Harper Adams | 54 赫威尔士大学阿伯瑞特威斯分校University of Wales, Aberystwyth

Leeds v Hartlepool:利兹联 VS 哈特浦尔

斯托克城 VS 雷丁 Stoke v Reading | 利兹联 VS 哈特浦尔 Leeds v Hartlepool | 沃特福德 VS 西汉姆联 Watford v West Ham

Harvest Festival:豐收節

>的故事开始于被遗忘国度中一个叫做"西港"(West Harbour)的沼泽地农业城市,玩家在这个游戏中将以一个全新的角色开始,随着故事开展,西港市正庆祝一年一度的"丰收节"(Harvest Festival).

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Bloor Street West
I'll Stay To The West
Into The West
Go West
Kanye West
53 Miles West Of Venus
The Lily Of The West
Livin' In The West
Flame Of The West
Way Out West (On West End Avenue)

tape certifier:磁带保证书

磁带认证 tape certification | 磁带保证书 tape certifier | 带通道 tape channel


dust-freeworkshop 无尘车间 | dust-laden 充满尘埃的 | dust-ladenair 有尘空气

Space Chimps:猩戰前傳 動作遊戲

Sonic: Unleashed索尼克:能量釋放 動作冒險遊戲 | Space Chimps猩戰前傳 動作遊戲 | Spectral Force 3 Innocent Rage 聖魔戰記3 無罪的狂熱 策略模擬遊戲