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与 west-central 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

West Side Story, Andre Previn:最佳爵士乐歌手

最佳节奏布鲁斯女歌手 "Let the Good Times Roll," Ray Charles | 最佳爵士乐歌手 West Side Story, Andre Previn | 最佳爵士乐演奏 Blues and the Beat, Henry Mancini

west Prussia:西普鲁士

thorn 托伦 | west Prussia 西普鲁士 | pomerania 波美拉尼亚

the Queen Mother of the West:王母娘娘

61 .药王 the King of Medicine | 62 .王母娘娘 the Queen Mother of the West | 63 .齐天大圣 the Great Sage Equalling Heaven

quote from Wicked Witch of the West, Wizards of Oz:(绿野仙踪)

"I'll get you my pretty" 我会逮到你的,小美人. | quote from Wicked Witch of the West, Wizards of Oz(绿野仙踪) | "Go ahead make my day" 来让我开开眼界.

Bring rain out of the west:从西方带来了雨

Wandering, whistling to and fro, 来来回回的漂泊,呼啸 | Bring rain out of the west, 从西方带来了雨 | From the dim north bringing snow? 从蒙眬的北方带来了雪.

remake the west:开发西部

就...接受妥协 accept a compromise on | 开发西部 remake the west | 开拓前进 open up new ways forward

Bandaranaike,Solomon West Ridgeway Dias:班达拉奈克,所罗门.韦斯特.里奇韦.迪亚斯

Bandaranaike,Sirimavo Rtwatte Dias 班达拉奈克,西丽玛沃.拉特瓦... | Bandaranaike,Solomon West Ridgeway Dias 班达拉奈克,所罗门.韦斯特.里奇韦.迪亚斯56 | Bandaranaike-Chelvanayakam Pact 班达拉奈克-契尔瓦那亚...

美国鼠谭II The Rocketeer火箭人:Unlawful Entry 1991Dlass Bction Once Bround Bmerican Tail:Fievel Goes West

Sneakers神鬼尖兵 | Unlawful Entry 1991Dlass Bction Once Bround Bmerican Tail:Fievel Goes West美国鼠谭II The Rocketeer火箭人 | My Heroes Have Blways Been Dowboys 1990I Love You to Death我真的爱死你了

east-west schism:东西教会分裂......东正教

the early Christianism 早期基督 | east-west schism 东西教会分裂......东正教 | Catholicism 天主教

during Wild Willy's Old West shoot-out routine:狂野威利的西部枪战中卧倒

Trained to drop down-|它学会的是 | during Wild Willy's Old West shoot-out routine.|狂野威利的西部枪战中卧倒 | This particular horse...|这匹特殊的马

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Bloor Street West
I'll Stay To The West
Into The West
Go West
Kanye West
53 Miles West Of Venus
The Lily Of The West
Livin' In The West
Flame Of The West
Way Out West (On West End Avenue)

CYL or cyl. cylinder:气缸

CW curb weight整备质量 | CYL or cyl. cylinder气缸 | drive(自动变速器)前进档位,档位

Sorrow and balefulness are gonna say goodbye:忧伤和灾难终会跟你说再见

You have my place to stay,you have my mother to stay 我的胸怀可让你倚靠,我... | Sorrow and balefulness are gonna say goodbye 忧伤和灾难终会跟你说再见 | Opens up you'll see the happy sunshine张开眼睛你...

Why would I hallucinate that:为什么我会幻想到这个

She had blonde hair.|她是一头金发 | Why would I hallucinate that?|为什么我会幻想到这个? | Yes.|是啊