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与 well-accepted 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

well-defined lineation:清楚的线理

well-coupled dynamite shot 与炮井耦合的炸药爆炸 | well-defined lineation 清楚的线理 | well-defined 意义明确的

You may as well go:你还是去好. (同上)

5.You might as well stay here as not. 比较起来你还是耽搁在这儿的好. (同上... | 6.You may as well go. 你还是去好. (同上) | 7.You may as well take a trip as give a tea party.你可以去旅行,也可以举行一个茶会...

You may just as well go as not:你最好还是去. (同上)

7.You may as well take a trip as give a tea party.你可以去旅行,也可以举... | 8.You may just as well go as not. 你最好还是去. (同上) | 9.We may as well begin at once. 我们还是立即开始的好. ( 王文昌<<英语...

You may just as well tell me the truth:你还是对我说实话的好. (同上)

9.We may as well begin at once. 我们还是立即开始的好. ( 王文昌<<英语搭配... | 10.You may just as well tell me the truth.你还是对我说实话的好. (同上) | 11.It is just as well to be carful.还是小心一点好....

My mother meant well|She always meant well:妈妈本意是好的|她总是自以为是

Oh... that's not true.|噢...这不是真的 | My mother meant well|She always meant well|妈妈本意是好的|她总是自以为是 | And always did what she thought|best to protect me.|总是用她认为最好的方式|来保护...

You might just as well go as not:你去也好,不去也好

1. You may just as well go. 你尽管走好了. | 2. You might just as well go as not. 你去也好,不去也好. | 3. Jeff, you say it just as well. 杰夫,还是你来吧.

Well, he got his mistrial, but the well had run dry:他争取到审判无效

Move for a mistrial.|审判无效! | Well, he got his mistrial, but the well had run dry.|他争取到审判无效 | There was nothing left to mortgage.|但是井还是干了 可以抵押的东西已经用完了

oil well tubing:油管

oil well screen 油井滤管 | oil well tubing 油管 | oil well 油井

well on the beam:抽油井

well off 井停歇 | well on the beam 抽油井 | well opening sequence 开井程序

oil well orbit curve:井轨迹曲线

油井水泥:oil well cement | 井轨迹曲线:oil well orbit curve | 油井钻具:oil well drill pipe

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Well Well Well
Well, Well
Well Well Well
Well, Well, Well
Well, Well
Well, Well, Well
Well, Well, Well
Well Well Well
Well Well Well
Well Well Well

topmost story WESTBANK:最高层

topiary work WESTBANK 修树工作 | topmost story WESTBANK 最高层 | topograph WESTBANK 地形



malignant oedema:恶性水肿

malignant foulbrood 恶性腐烂病 | malignant oedema 恶性水肿 | mallow vegetable 木槿花科蔬菜