查询词典 watertight
- 与 watertight 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
WT watertight:(包、盒)不漏水的,防水
Wrap worldwide receivables assurance protection 全球应收账款担保措施 | WT warrant (股票)认证股 | WT watertight (包、盒)不漏水的,防水
watertight compartment:水密舱区
20 水线系数 water-plane coefficient | 21 水密舱区 watertight compartment | 22 绞车冷凝器 winch condenser
watertight compartment:不透水舱
不可转让信用证 non-negotiable letter of credit; non-negotiable L/C | 不透水舱 watertight compartment | 不许用钩 no hooks
watertight instrument:水密式仪器仪表
waterproof type strain gauge 防水应变计 | watertight instrument 水密式仪器仪表 | watt-hour meter 瓦时计
integrity of the watertightness; watertight integrity:完整水密
integration and test 整合及测试 | integrity of the watertightness; watertight integrity 完整水密 | intelligent collision avoidance system 智慧型避碰系统
For watertight bulkheads, how do you check the watertightness:就水密舱壁而言,怎样检查其水密性
58. 在焊接钢板,肋骨,甲板横梁时,你们用什么焊接方法?What welding ... | 60. 就水密舱壁而言,怎样检查其水密性?For watertight bulkheads, how do you check the watertightness? | 61. 靠压缩空气或水压力. By comp...
purlins, duopitched, including watertight flashings:檩条,屋脊包括水密性的收边
Rockwool insulation 岩棉保温 | purlins, duopitched, including watertight flashings 檩条,屋脊包括水密性的收边 | zero void roll installation 中空安装
WaterTight zippers:锁水拉链
? RollTop lid closure 卷顶式防水收口 | ? WaterTight zippers 锁水拉链 | ? Front shovel pocket 雪板绑带
watertight receptacles:水密容器
8. two hatchets 太平斧两把 | 9. watertight receptacles 水密容器 | 10. a rustproof dipper with lanyard 不锈水斗一个
watertight receptacles:防水容器
18. food ration 口粮 | 19. watertight receptacles 防水容器 | 20. one rustproof graduated drinking vessel 不锈饮料量杯一只
- 推荐网络解释
highspeed boat:高速艇
high frequency 高频 | highspeed boat 高速艇 | horizontal a.水平的,卧式的
motherland; fatherland; homeland:祖国
584 最 most | 586 祖国 motherland; fatherland; homeland | 587 山 mountain; hill
banking hours, business hours:营业时间
equitable tax system 等价税则 | specimen signature 签字式样 | banking hours, business hours 营业时间