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与 vast 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


the Sea-vast Avatamsaka Assembly of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas 莲池海会佛菩萨 * | schisms 不和合 | Secret School 密宗 *

Two runaways:两个逃跑的人

our paths cross.|我们的轨迹交会了. | Two runaways|两个逃跑的人, | in the vast,|在这个广袤的、

Deport the leaders of passive resistance:驱逐消极抵抗的领袖

Attitude toward Germany began to harden 对德国的态度日益强硬 | Deport the leaders of passive resistance 驱逐消极抵抗的领袖 | Vast demonstration and protest 大规模示威游行

And like terrestrial prairies:像陆地上的大草原一样

These vast aquatic grasslands stretch for 1,500 square miles.|这片广大的海洋牧场 面... | And like terrestrial prairies,|像陆地上的大草原一样 | they support herds of grazers, dugongs.|这里也养育了大量的...

Developing Vajra-like rock-solid tough physiques:成就金刚坚固体

广度众生化娑婆Rescues vast numbers of beings here in the Saha wo... | 成就金刚坚固体Developing Vajra-like rock-solid tough physiques, | 同登彼岸蜜波罗We can climb up onto the other shore and reach para...

Plankton, it seems, is not the only food for a whale shark:浮游生物看来并不是鲸鲨的唯一食物

It has taken a vast mouthful of the bait fish itself.|鲸鲨... | Plankton, it seems, is not the only food for a whale shark.|浮游生物看来并不是鲸鲨的唯一食物 | Both shark and tuna feast together.|鲸鲨和金...

sow grass seeds on ---loess Plateau:在黄土高原上播种草籽

high-yield grass 高产草 | sow grass seeds on ---loess Plateau 在黄土高原上播种草籽 | green vast land with grasses 种草原绿化大片土地

Self-treatment and Care:自我治疗和护理

X-OTC Switch 处方药 转换为非处方药 | Self-treatment and Care 自我治疗和护理 | Are the Vast Majority of People Prepared for Self-medication 是否绝大多数的人都倾向于自我治疗

turn round one's head:回过头

18、宁愿死 would rather die | 19、回过头 turn round one's head | 20、一片污泥 a vast expanse of mud

Of nostalgic flashbacks:怀旧重现起

In rare instances 罕见情况下 | Of nostalgic flashbacks 怀旧重现起 | In the vast wonderland of 自然恩惠下

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Deep Ocean Vast Sea
Small Figures In A Vast Expanse
The Vast Spoils Of America
Porcelina Of The Vast Oceans

weak convergence of probability distribution:概率分布的弱收敛

weak color 弱色 | weak convergence of probability distribution 概率分布的弱收敛 | weak inhibited type 弱抑制型

Florescent lamp:荧光灯

Swing arm wall lamp摇臂灯 | Florescent lamp荧光灯 | Acrylic lamp亚克力灯

scalar wave equation:标量波动方程

标量波 scalar wave | 标量波动方程 scalar wave equation | 标量波动理论 scalar wave theory