英语人>网络解释>up-and-down motion 相关的网络解释
up-and-down motion相关的网络解释

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与 up-and-down motion 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Attribute Editor:属性编辑器

在默认的情况下是不能对曲线进行调整的,按Control+A键,我们借助属性编辑器(Attribute Editor)对其进行设置. 点击Motion Path 栏,将World Up Type改为Normal,再调整 Front Axis 和 Up Axis直到履带链处于正确的位置.

catch-up stroke:前交叉(一臂等待另一臂)

106.鱼鳍式划水(仰卧并腿,两手身旁上下打水):finning | 107.前交叉(一臂等待另一臂):catch-up stroke | 109.曲线动作:circular motion

easing motion:走锭纺机缓和运动;缓和装置

"松紧竖钩;松针","easing hook" | "走锭纺机缓和运动;缓和装置","easing motion" | "缓和运动","easing up motion"

follow up mechanism:随动机构

follow-up lever 随动杆 | follow-up mechanism 随动机构 | follow-up motion 随动运动

Poetry in motion:(动态的诗)

Push up facebuster(俯卧撑式颜面炸弹摔) | Poetry in Motion(动态的诗) | powerslam(强力摔击)

set...... in motion:使...运动

set up 设立 | set...in motion 使...运动 | shift from...to... 从...转向

unsteady motion:不稳定运动

unsteady flow 不稳流 | unsteady motion 不稳定运动 | up quark 上夸克

We are redoubling our efforts to boost up production in support of national construction:我们加倍努力发展生产,支援国家建设

He spoke in support of the motion. 他赞成这项... | We are redoubling our efforts to boost up production in support of national construction. 我们加倍努力发展生产,支援国家建设. | in sympathy with同意,赞...

Push up facebuster:(俯卧撑式颜面炸弹摔)

plancha(场外飞身扑) | Push up facebuster(俯卧撑式颜面炸弹摔) | Poetry in Motion(动态的诗)

Achievement in music written for motion pictures (Original score):最佳原創配樂

最佳原創歌曲 Achievement in music written for motion pictures (Original song) | 最佳原創配樂 Achievement in music written for motion pictures (Original score) | <<天外奇蹟>>Up

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Stand Up (Kick Love Into Motion)

Proxy Proxy:代理

Protocol: Protocol: 通訊協定: | Proxy Proxy 代理 | Re-request Authorization Re-request Authorization 重新請求批准

insurmountable odds:这里指不可战胜的神话

go before the cameras:开拍 | insurmountable odds:这里指不可战胜的神话 | flick:[俚]电影

24-hour customer helpline:24小时客户服务热线

26. Affinity and cobranded credit cards 亲和卡,联名信用卡 | 27. 24-hour customer helpline 24小时客户服务热线 | 28. Priority banking 优先银行服务