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与 up to it 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

crunches yesterday:放松点 凯文 这次我肯定赢|我昨天做了40个仰卧起坐

You know, you could rest up|for the jump to... | Relax, Kev. l'm gonna win this time.|l did, like, 40 crunches yesterday.|放松点 凯文 这次我肯定赢|我昨天做了40个仰卧起坐 | What is it with you two, anyw...

Yes, prison desensitizes you:是的 监狱会让你麻木

You can get up.|你可以起来了 | Yes, prison desensitizes you.|是的 监狱会让你麻木 | But it also forces you to see what's most important.|但这也迫使你认清 什么是最重要的

dreading dreading dreading:可怕可怕可怕

但我要先搅拌生奶油使它定型but I have to make the whipped cream first and let it set. | 可怕可怕可怕dreading dreading dreading | 拆掉建筑建高层. We are gonna tear them all down and pu up a high-rise.

She flicked the TV on:她輕輕一按打開了電視機

He flicked a switch and all the lights went out. 他啪的... | She flicked the TV on. 她轻轻一按打开了电视机. | to move something up and down with a sudden movement so that the end of it hits something ...

He always goofs off:他总是糊里糊涂. 原句

39.He always goofs off.他总是糊里糊涂. 原句: He always slips. | 40.It's all Greek to me.我全不懂. 原句:I don't understand. | 41.He puts up a good show.他的表现很好. 原句:He behaves himself well.

all hallows' eve:万圣节前夜

Gossip Girl Season 3 Episode 07|流言蜚女 第三季 第7集 | all hallows' eve--|万圣节前夜 | the one day of the year it's socially acceptable to play dress-up.|一年中最适合玩 易容装扮的一天

The cat meows in my ears:猎在我耳边叫

10. The clock is slow. 时钟慢了. | 11. The cat meows in my ears. 猎在我耳边叫. | 12. It's time to wake up. 该起床了.

The cat meows in my ears:猎在我耳边鸣

10. The clock is slow. 时钟慢了. | 11. The cat meows in my ears. 猎在我耳边鸣. | 12. It's time to wake up. 该起床了.

See which option minimizes your risk:看哪个风险更小

Why don't you take it up with stacy?|你跟史黛西商量一下吧? | See which option minimizes your risk.|看哪个风险更小 | Here's what I think she's going to say.|我想她会说

and the only thing more shocking than the truth:[然而比真相更为令人惊讶的是

The truth. [真相] | and the only thing more shocking than the truth... [然而比真相更为令人惊讶的是...] | are the lies people tell to cover it up. [人们为了掩盖真相而编造的谎言]

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Leave It Up To Me
Baby It's Up To You
It's Up To You
It's Not Up To You
It's Up To You Now
Make It Up To You
It Is Usually The Boys Who Cry Wolf That Grow Up To Be The Men Who Cry Sanctuary
It's Up To You
It's Up To You
If It Is To Be, It Is Up To Me

Proxy Proxy:代理

Protocol: Protocol: 通訊協定: | Proxy Proxy 代理 | Re-request Authorization Re-request Authorization 重新請求批准

insurmountable odds:这里指不可战胜的神话

go before the cameras:开拍 | insurmountable odds:这里指不可战胜的神话 | flick:[俚]电影

24-hour customer helpline:24小时客户服务热线

26. Affinity and cobranded credit cards 亲和卡,联名信用卡 | 27. 24-hour customer helpline 24小时客户服务热线 | 28. Priority banking 优先银行服务