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up there相关的网络解释

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与 up there 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

its crystal clear:很明显的

but when im way up there 但当我踏上她的国度 | its crystal clear 很明显的 | that now im in a whole new world with you我与你在一个全新的世界

to housewives for a buck a chicken:给一个家庭主妇 送一美元一只鸡

When I was 15, I was delivering chickens for a butcher...|... | ...to housewives for a buck a chicken.|...给一个家庭主妇 送一美元一只鸡. | The first time I show up there, it was fucking hot, and....|我...

go and look:什么?上面吗? - 我怎么知道?自己去找

Jimmy T. Go and find Captain Hamill. Bring him here.|吉米,叫汉米尔上尉过来 | What? Up there? How should I know? Go and look!|- 什么?上面吗? - 我怎么知道?自己去找 | Thank you, you moron.|谢谢你,智障

Not once:一次没提过

You've never mentioned the forest or anything to do with nature.|你从没说过什么森林和保护大自然的事 | Not once.|一次没提过 | What the fuck are you doing up there?|你他妈在树上做什么

Pour it on them, Blithe:向他们开枪,布洛依

Let them have it, Blithe!|给他们好看,布洛依! | Pour it on them, Blithe!|向他们开枪,布洛依! | Get some men up there!|派些人到上面去!

Well, why didn't you just take out a gun and shoot him:你干吗不干脆拿出枪杀了他

I made him go up there.|我让他爬上去 | Well, why didn't you just take out a gun and shoot him?|你干吗不干脆拿出枪杀了他? | I thought it was just asthma.|我以为不过是哮喘

and everyone booed him off the stage. It was so funny:然后大家就嘘他下台,真是好玩

Last time, this adorable old man got up there, forgot all the words, flipped out.... | and everyone booed him off the stage. It was so funny.|然后大家就嘘他下台,真是好玩 | Look, I'm not good at singing...

And 290 disregards.|- Mostly Tammy fans:290废票|- 大部分人支持泰咪

256 for Paul.|255 for Tracy.|保罗256票,... | - And 290 disregards.|- Mostly Tammy fans.|- 290废票|- 大部分人支持泰咪 | It doesn't add up. There were|801 ballots, but 803 people voted.|这与总数不符,有80...

every day by myself. - [Growls]:每天我自己一个

[Sheriff] Gotta tell ya, this sure beats eating ramen noodles in my squad car...|不得不说 这肯定比... | - every day by myself. - [Growls]|每天我自己一个 | [Tazer] Comfortable up there, Earth boy?|舒服吗...

Tastes different:不一样的感觉

Yeah, and you didn't saw his feet off.|是,你又没有看到他腿被锯断的样子 | Tastes different.|不一样的感觉 | David, what are you doin' up there?|大卫,你在上面干什么?

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Somebody Up There
How Is The Air Up There?
Somebody Up There Likes Me
Gospel Boogie (A Wonderful Time Up There)
Down Here Up There
Someone Up There
Somebody Up There Likes Me
Hey! Is That A Ninja Up There?
Way Up There
Up There Down There

Proxy Proxy:代理

Protocol: Protocol: 通訊協定: | Proxy Proxy 代理 | Re-request Authorization Re-request Authorization 重新請求批准

insurmountable odds:这里指不可战胜的神话

go before the cameras:开拍 | insurmountable odds:这里指不可战胜的神话 | flick:[俚]电影

24-hour customer helpline:24小时客户服务热线

26. Affinity and cobranded credit cards 亲和卡,联名信用卡 | 27. 24-hour customer helpline 24小时客户服务热线 | 28. Priority banking 优先银行服务