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up for相关的网络解释

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与 up for 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

to stop up:堵

堵车 traffic jam | 堵 to block; to stop up; jammed; (mw for walls) | 车 car; vehicle; machine (Kangxi radical 159)

stop up the sink:塞住

fight for custody of sb.争取sb的看护权 | stop up the sink 塞住 | napkin 纸巾;尿布

trade up:将...折价换取更贵重的同类东西;劝(顾客)买更贵的东西

trade sth. For 用某物换(某物) | trade up 将...折价换取更贵重的同类东西;劝(顾客)买更贵的东西 | 812-trash tn.无价值之物, 无聊的作品, 垃圾, 废物

do somebody wrong / bark up the wrong tree at somebody:冤枉别人

欲穷千里目,更上一层楼 For a grander sight, climb to a greater height. | 冤枉别人 do somebody wrong / bark up the wrong tree at somebody | 圆满成功 every success

walk up to:朝...走去

6. whisper... in one's ear轻声耳语... | 7. walk up to朝...走去 | 8. wait for... to do...等候...做...

Beefing up specific items on website site:在网站上刊登图书馆各种资料

为新学生准备材料 Develop materials and packages for new incoming students | 在网站上刊登图书馆各种资料 Beefing up specific items on website site | 建立网上评估 Creating online survey

Crippled-up birches breathe heavily in the wind:已然残废的桦树在风中气喘吁吁

Decay is fluttering out with black wings; 衰亡以黑色... | Crippled-up birches breathe heavily in the wind. 已然残废的桦树在风中气喘吁吁. | Evening in empty roadhouses. The longing for home 路边旅馆中空...

And I won't have it cluttering up my workshop:我不会让这些垃圾到我的工坊

You mustn't be wasting your time with that rubbish.|你绝不能浪费时间和这些垃圾瞎搅和 | And I won't have it cluttering up my workshop.|我不会让这些垃圾到我的工坊. | And as for you two,|还有你们两个,

After being cooped up in the stuffy room all day:令人窒息的房间里闷了一天

牐營t looks out for the little guy.照顾弱势群体 | 牐燗fter being cooped up in the stuffy room all day.令人窒息的房间里闷了一天 | 牐燭ime is always against us.时间总跟我们做对

Down sank chirp of cicadas, up rose croaks of frogs:蝉声沉落,蛙声升起

等,在雨中,在造虹的雨中I am waiting for you in the rain,in the rain th... | 蝉声沉落,蛙声升起Down sank chirp of cicadas, up rose croaks of frogs | 一池的红莲如火焰,在雨中A pond of lotuses takes after fl...

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I Was Thinking I Could Clean Up For Christmas
Stand Up For Rock 'N' Roll
Dear___ This Has Always Been About Standing Up For What You Believe In
Give It All Up For Love
All Dressed Up For School
Givin' It Up For Love
Stand Up For Love
One Up For Love
Giving It Up For You
Mama Don't Get Dressed Up For Nothing


luciferin 荧光素 | lucifugal 避光的 | lucimycin 鲁斯霉素 光明霉素

order of approximation:近似等级

金文 bell-cauldron inscription, bronze inscription | 近似等级 order of approximation | 竞争和聚合 compete and converge


人和杂食性家畜如猪、犬和猫,以及野生肉食动物,如狐、狼、狗熊、貂和海象以及鼠类等...由巴贝斯科 (Babesiidae) 的原虫所引起的一种梨形虫...由圆形动物门线虫纲(Nematoda)毛圆科(Trichost-rongylidae)血矛属 (Haemonchus)的线虫所引起的一种