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up for相关的网络解释

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与 up for 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Seize the day, stand up for the light:捉住光阴 迎向光明

Ride the night to the end 乘着夜色 直到天明 | Seize the day, stand up for the light 捉住光阴 迎向光明 | I want to spend my lifetime loving you 我要用我的一生来爱你

I struggled to my feet knowing that somehow I had to put my tent up for shelter:我挣扎着站起来, 心中明白我得支好帐篷避风

Betty ran away with the money before Mum sai... | 10. I struggled to my feet knowing that somehow I had to put my tent up for shelter.,我挣扎着站起来, 心中明白我得支好帐篷避风. | somehow adv. 以某种方...

The way he stood up for his sideman:他会为他的人出头

That Wolf,|那个沃尔夫 | The way he stood up for his sideman,|他会为他的人出头 | Maybe he could teach you something, Mud.|或许你该学学 老玛

sign up for:报名参加

side-kick 莫逆之交 | sign up for 报名参加 | sink in the scale 降低

sign up for:选课

shoot a picture 拍照片 | sign up for 选课 | snap a shot 抓拍照片

sign up for:登记报名

side by side 肩并肩 | sign up for 登记报名 | slip of mind 思维走神

sign up for register:报名上的...课

高级?:upper-lever course advanced course | 报名上的...课:sign up for register... | 上...课:take

to sign up for:报名参加

公共道德规范:public code of conduct | 报名参加 to sign up for | 扭伤脚踝 to sprain one's ankle

Sign up for more information:注册获得更多信息

在零售店线下购买 Purchase offline at retail store 48% 41% 58... | 注册获得更多信息 Sign up for more information 38% 37% 67% | 点击newsletter中的广告链接 Click on advertised link in newsletter 34% 39% 6...

Sit up for me:坐起来

The result in the morning is a few pounds of pure, refined sugar.|结果就是清早的时候 炼出的几个英镑和精致的蔗糖 | Sit up for me.|坐起来 | Here, drink this.|来 喝了它

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I Was Thinking I Could Clean Up For Christmas
Stand Up For Rock 'N' Roll
Dear___ This Has Always Been About Standing Up For What You Believe In
Give It All Up For Love
All Dressed Up For School
Givin' It Up For Love
Stand Up For Love
One Up For Love
Giving It Up For You
Mama Don't Get Dressed Up For Nothing

mine-run coal:原煤

"mine resistance","通风阻力 ; 矿阻" | "mine-run coal","原煤" | "mine salting","矿石渗杂"

PA: Pennsylvania:美国宾夕法尼亚州州名

ancestry 祖先(集合称), 家系, 血统 | Pa. Pennsylvania 美国宾夕法尼亚州州名 | booster locomotive 辅助机车

corrugate steel fibers:卷曲钢纤维

corrosion inhibiting, , admixture 防锈掺会料 | corrugate steel fibers 卷曲钢纤维 | corrugated aluminium 波状铝板