英语人>网络解释>unusual 相关的网络解释

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与 unusual 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

in the end phr:最后

1528 unusual adj 不寻常的,非凡的 | 1529 in the end phr. 最后 | 1530 work out phr. 算出,制定出


3 B 前后照应逻辑推理词义比较 查看是否有象陌生的也许昂贵的(expensive)车子或喧哗的噪音之类的不熟悉的(familiar),令他感兴趣的(interesting),而异常的(unusual)任何事情.

Because 'usurp upon' means to intrude or encroach upon:因为"侵占"带有闯入和侵害的意思

Why did Wordsworth use the unusual verb form 'usu... | Because 'usurp upon' means to intrude or encroach upon.|因为"侵占"带有闯入和侵害的意思 | "The clouds cleared, the peak was unveiled, and we grieve...

jump down from:从...跳下来

an unusual experience 一次不寻常的经历 | jump down from 从...跳下来 | take photos of 照相

keep / be abreast of be or remain up to date with or well-informed about sth:跟上某事物;知晓某事

Come on! Get with it! Hey, just follow me! ... | keep / be abreast of be or remain up to date with or well-informed about sth. 跟上某事物;知晓某事 | off-the-wall request unusual or peculiar demand 离谱...

oversight or misinterpretation:疏忽或误解

the underlying records 原始凭证 | oversight or misinterpretation 疏忽或误解 | unusual pressures 异常压力

What's the name of sth:的名字是什么

12. unusual clothes 不同寻常的衣服 | 13. What's the name of sth? ...的名字是什么 | 14. take sth. to the party 把..带到聚会上

the suspected noncompliance:涉嫌存在违法行为

43.unusual pressures 异常压力 | 44.the suspected noncompliance 涉嫌存在违法行为 | 45.materialiy 重要性

the suspected noncompliance:涉嫌具有背法行动

43.unusual pressures 非常压力 | 44.the suspected noncompliance 涉嫌具有背法行动 | 45.materialiy 主要性

Do you notice that notice on the notice-board:你注意到了布告栏上的布告吗

And you didn't notice anything unusual? 你觉察到什么异常的事没有? | Do you notice that notice on the notice-board? 你注意到了布告栏上的布告吗? | noticeable 能够注意到的,显而易见的

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It's A Most Unusual Day
It's Not Unusual
Unusual You
It's Not Unusual
I'm Awkward & Unusual
He's So Unusual
An Unusual Kiss
Unusual Heat

territorial waters:鍰漆

﹛﹛Term 芩華逤? | ﹛﹛Territorial Waters 鍰漆 | ﹛﹛The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance 悵玸珛潼燴揭


Mesostigmata 中气门亚目 中气亚目 | Mesostoma 中口涡虫属 | Mesosuchia 中鳄亚目

Hit Team:重装警察

新扎师妹 Love Undercover (2002) | 重装警察 Hit Team (2001) | 游园惊梦 Peony Pavilion (2001)