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unit body相关的网络解释

查询词典 unit body

与 unit body 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a body of troops:一支部队、一群支持者、一批人等

5 [CGp] group of people working or acting as a unit 集体; 团体; 群体 | *a body of troops, supporters, people, etc 一支部队、一群支持者、一批人等 | * a legislative, an elected body 立法团体、当选的团体


Body understructure 车身底架,车身底部构件 | Bodywork 车身制造 | Bogie unit 中后轴平衡悬挂

custom-built body:定制车身

custom-built 定制,定制的 | custom-built body 定制车身 | custom-built power unit 非标准动力头

custom-built power unit:非标准动力头

custom-built body 定制车身 | custom-built power unit 非标准动力头 | custom-tailor 定制

scratch on soleplate:底板刮伤

5 外壳毛边 unit body sharp edge | 6 底板刮伤 scratch on soleplate | 底板soleplate

hexagonal unit cell:六方晶胞

密排六方hexagonal close-packed, | 六方晶胞hexagonal unit cell, | 体心立方body-centered cubic,

triple-unit transplanter:三行插秧机

triple-tuned transformer 三绕组调谐变压器 | triple-unit transplanter 三行插秧机 | triple-valve body 三通阀体


unishear 单剪机 | unisparker 单-火花发生器 | unit body 整体车身

unitized body:承载[整体]式车身

unit injector 泵-喷嘴.喷油泵-喷油器 | unitized body 承载[整体]式车身 | unitized construction (车身)承载式结构

cost per unit time:单位时间成本

单株产量:grain weight per plant | 单位时间成本:cost per unit time | 日增重:the increment of body mass per day

第1/2页 1 2 > 尾页

civil law country:(欧洲大陆各国的)爱猫扑.爱生活系国家

Civil Code(德国)民法典 | civil law country(欧洲大陆各国的)爱猫扑.爱生活系国家 | claim 权利要求

the guy I was fantasizing about all that time:一个我一直梦想交往的家伙

And I didn't hit the fat weather guy from Channel 10,I hit the dreamy reporter,|... | the guy I was fantasizing about all that time|一个我一直梦想交往的家伙. | when I was trying to get over Oharlie.|还...


"到达时间","arrival time" | "碱磷铁石,钠磷锰铁石","arrojadite" | "旱谷","arroyo"