英语人>网络解释>unconscious 相关的网络解释

查询词典 unconscious

与 unconscious 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

How many times have I told you, Srinivas:我和你说过多少次了

He's unconscious, Juti. What good is that?|他失去知觉了 Juti 你怎么搞的? | How many times have I told you, Srinivas?|我和你说过多少次了 Srinivas? | I'm sorry, sir.|对不起 长官


不调适 Unadjustment | 无意识,不自觉,失知觉 Unconscious | 人口过稀 Underpopulation

For most of us breathing is automatic:我們大多數人的呼吸都是無意識的

2 (of actions) done without thinking, esp from habit or routine; unconscious (指動作)未加思索... | * For most of us breathing is automatic. 我們大多數人的呼吸都是無意識的. | 3 following necessarily 必然...

What would be your most positive thought for the world:会有什么您最积极的思想,为世界呢

Think outside of the box.认为以外的包装盒... | What would be your most positive thought for the world?会有什么您最积极的思想,为世界呢? | Conscious or Unconscious - We Can Choose.意识或无意识-我们可以选...

The ship's passengers have their dinners in the dining saloon:船上的乘客在餐厅用餐

The ship's passengers have their dinners in the dining saloon.船上的乘客在餐厅用餐. | It was certain that Oswald might have a subconscious desire to inj... | Edina was unconscious for two hours after ...


mineral dye 矿物染料 | benzpyrene [化]苯并芘 | unconscious 不省人事, 未发觉的, 无意识的

Whithered leaf:枯叶

05 Happiness of Love 爱的喜悦 | 06 Whithered leaf 枯叶 | 07 Unconscious Heart 不安的心

The treasury of sure-fire selling:<销售情报锦囊>

15、Philosophy of the unconscious<<潜意识的哲学>> | 16、The treasury of sure-fire selling <<销售情报锦囊>> | 17、How to talk your way to success<<道可道成功法>>

Identification with a fantasy:和幻想认同

Suppressed克制 | Identification with a fantasy和幻想认同 | Identification with parents' Unconscious or conscious wishes/fantasies认同父母无意识的愿望/幻想

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Unconscious Reality
You Were King Now You're Unconscious

civil law country:(欧洲大陆各国的)爱猫扑.爱生活系国家

Civil Code(德国)民法典 | civil law country(欧洲大陆各国的)爱猫扑.爱生活系国家 | claim 权利要求

the guy I was fantasizing about all that time:一个我一直梦想交往的家伙

And I didn't hit the fat weather guy from Channel 10,I hit the dreamy reporter,|... | the guy I was fantasizing about all that time|一个我一直梦想交往的家伙. | when I was trying to get over Oharlie.|还...


"到达时间","arrival time" | "碱磷铁石,钠磷锰铁石","arrojadite" | "旱谷","arroyo"