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Seabone Heaume:海骨重盔 海骨頭盔

37482 巨石腿铠 力量之石腿鎧 Mightstone Legplates | 37483 海骨重盔 海骨頭盔 Seabone Heaume | 37484 医师之靴 托缽僧足靴 Mendicant's Treads

afforests the homeland, civilized will of the people:绿化家园,文明人心

绿色草坪,无须纸化点缀not need the paper embellishment. | 绿化家园,文明人心afforests the homeland, civilized will of the people. | 绿草茵茵,踏之可惜green grass cushion cushion, treads it to be a pit...

The best horse needs breaking, and the aptest child needs teaching:最好的马儿要人驯,最伶俐的孩子要人训

96.The ox when weariest treads su... | 97.The best horse needs breaking,and the aptest child needs teaching. 最好的马儿要人驯,最伶俐的孩子要人训. | 98.A horse that will not carry a saddle must have no...

As any she belied with false compare:胜过任何被捧作天仙的美女

My mistress when she walks treads on the ground. 我心爱人走路的时候脚... | And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare 然而,我敢指天发誓,... | As any she belied with false compare. 胜过任何被捧作天仙的美女

As any she belied with false compare:我的爱侣胜似任何被捧作天仙的美女

My mistress,when she walks, treads on the ground, 我爱人走路时候却脚... | And yet by heaven, i think my love as rare, 可是,我敢指... | As any she belied with false compare. 我的爱侣胜似任何被捧作天仙的美女

I photoed the victim's torso:我把死者身上

Those the tire treads from the crime scene?|那些轮胎痕是从现场拍下来的吗? | I photoed the victim's torso|我把死者身上 | and imaged the tread mark-- scanned it|留下的轮胎痕迹 然后和...

We match the bullet to the cop's gun, the case is airtight:把子弹和那警察的枪,对照一下 也就可以结案了

and the treads covered its tracks.|也就把它给隐藏了起来 | We match the bullet to the cop's gun, the case is airtight.|把子弹和那警察的枪,对照一下 也就可以结案了 | There's a match.|吻合

Lintels, not of metal:非金属楣

190074 非金属楼梯踏板 Stair-treads [steps], not of metal | 190114 非金属楣 Lintels, not of metal | 190069 非金属门 Doors, not of metal *

Staircases of metal:金属楼梯

060165 金属梁 Lintels of metal | 060124 金属楼梯 Staircases of metal | 060355 金属楼梯踏板 Stair treads [steps] of metal

The sword can cut off neither running flow:流水滔滔斩不断

乱挥刀剑无结果. No longer could I wield my sword fleet. | 流水滔滔斩不断, The sword can cut off neither running flow | 情丝百结冲不破, Nor the treads of love, twisted with the woe.

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Proxy Proxy:代理

Protocol: Protocol: 通訊協定: | Proxy Proxy 代理 | Re-request Authorization Re-request Authorization 重新請求批准

insurmountable odds:这里指不可战胜的神话

go before the cameras:开拍 | insurmountable odds:这里指不可战胜的神话 | flick:[俚]电影

24-hour customer helpline:24小时客户服务热线

26. Affinity and cobranded credit cards 亲和卡,联名信用卡 | 27. 24-hour customer helpline 24小时客户服务热线 | 28. Priority banking 优先银行服务