英语人>网络解释>travel-worn 相关的网络解释

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与 travel-worn 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

make travel plans:制定旅游计划

visit one's website浏览某人的网站 | make travel plans制定旅游计划 | the train timetable火车时刻表

make travel plans:做旅游计划

go online上网 | make travel plans做旅游计划 | on the Internet在互联网上

make travel plans:制作旅行计划

上网 go online | 制作旅行计划 make travel plans | 拜访我的网站 visit my website

make travel plans:制订旅行计划

13. get bored 觉得厌烦 | 14. make travel plans 制订旅行计划 | 15. get a cold 感冒

Cancel your travel plans:取消你的出差计划吧

Get an M.R.I. And a lumbar puncture.|准备做核... | Cancel your travel plans.|取消你的出差计划吧 | The senator's L.P. Showed no sign of infection, and the M.R.I. Looks fairly clean.|参议员的淋巴区显示没...

Josie's Travel Plans:乔西的旅游计划

Old Clothes 旧衣服 | Josie's Travel Plans 乔西的旅游计划 | A Hair Wash 洗头发

Jasie's Travel Plans:(喬西的旅遊計畫)

44 Grant's Trip (格蘭特出差去) | 46 Jasie's Travel Plans (喬西的旅遊計畫) | 50 Tess Is Gone Again? (黛絲又出國了?)

I want to make travel plans:(在网上)

7 She ________ _________ (居住在. . . )a small vill... | 8 I want to make travel plans ______ ________ ________(在网上). | 9 Do you usually go for a walk with your parents _________ ________ ________(...

travel round the world and beyond:如果我是亿万富翁,我要

放假的话,我要...forget everything and enjoy.. | 如果我是亿万富翁,我要travel round the world and beyond | 如果我是超人,我要keep it secret...

see the world=travel round the world:周游世界

58. depend on parents at home,depend on friends at the outside.在家靠... | 59. see the world=travel round the world 周游世界 | 60. It's a pleasant dream,but everything depends on 'if'!这是个美好的梦,但一...

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Travel To Romantis
Travel As Equals
Travel As Equals (Acoustic)
Angelface (Multiples 5 vs Travel 4)
Have Love Will Travel
Have Love Will Travel (Radio Edit)
Gotta Travel On
Gotta Travel On
Suitcases And Travel Bags
Time Travel Fantasy

soot door:出灰口

soot pit 出灰坑 | soot door 出灰口 | soot 烟黑

Meat Tenderize:肉锤

Sharpening Steel磨刀棒 | Meat Tenderize肉锤 | Film保鲜膜

Tamil Nadu:泰米尔纳德

海得拉巴珠宝展主要的目标买家来自南印度四个邦--安得拉邦(Andhra Pradesh), 泰米尔纳德(Tamil Nadu), 喀拉拉(Kerala), 卡纳塔克(Kamataka)及中东. 这些买家包括珠宝批发商、零售商、进出口商、珠宝制造商、钻石及宝石供应商及经销商、珍珠供应商及经销商、贵金属及镶嵌珠宝的供应商及经销商、奢侈品个人消费者.