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town house相关的网络解释

查询词典 town house

与 town house 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

arrive in sp:到达某地(到达village,house等小地方)

66. arrive at sp. 到达某地(到达city,town等大地方) | arrive in sp. 到达某地(到达village,house等小地方) | get to sp. 到达某地(口语中多用)

He is at present in search for a house:他目前正在特色一幢房子

in search for寻找(某物): | He is at present in search for a house. 他目前正在特色一幢房子. | We drove round town in search for a good hotel. 我们开国满城转,相找个好旅馆.

Up on the house top:在屋顶上

O Christmas tree 哦,可爱的圣诞树 | Up on the house top 在屋顶上 | O little town of Bethlehem 小城伯利恒

show sb round (ie all the different rooms in) the house:领某人参观房子(中的各个房间)

*look round the room 环视房间 | * show sb round (ie all the different rooms in) the house 领某人参观房子(中的各个房间) | * There were soldiers positioned all round the town. 城里到处都驻守着士兵.

a house on the Thames:泰晤士河畔的房子

a town on the coast 沿海的城镇 | a house on the Thames 泰晤士河畔的房子 | We lived on an estate. 我们住在一处庄园上.

The house on the hill brooded above the village:山顶的房屋俯阚着村子

brood 孵(蛋): | The house on the hill brooded above the village. 山顶的房屋俯阚着村子. | Hate brooded over the town. 仇恨笼罩着小镇.

Old house,Park of Evangels:他家在福音公园的一幢老房子里

Deliver this, please,to Senor Lorenzo Daza.|把这个送去给洛伦索.达萨先生 | Old house,Park of Evangels.|他家在福音公园的一幢老房子里 | New in town,a rough diamond.|他来此不久 不可貌相

the red cock will crow in his house:他的房子将被火烧掉

the record set in the last Olympiad still hold -> 上届奥运会记... | the red cock will crow in his house -> 他的房子将被火烧掉 | the reform of the household registration system in small town -> n. 小城镇...

water supply & drain for house:住宅给水排水

water spray fixed systems for fire protection 固定防火洒水系统 | water supply & drain for house住宅给水排水 | water supply for town城镇供水

New in town,a rough diamond:他来此不久 不可貌相

Old house,Park of Evangels.|他家在福音公园的一幢老房子里 | New in town,a rough diamond.|他来此不久 不可貌相 | Owns mules,lots of mules.|是做骡马生意的 拥有的骡子数量可观

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gray interrelation:灰色关联

灰度编码:Gray-coded | 灰色关联:gray interrelation | 灰色模型:Gray-model

spiritual civilization:心性文明

农村城镇化:rural civilization | 心性文明:Spiritual Civilization | 依法治国:socialistic political civilization

likin park:现在最喜欢的音乐专辑

我听的音乐Rock | 现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Likin Park | 最近读的书Eragon and Eldest