英语人>网络解释>town house 相关的网络解释
town house相关的网络解释

查询词典 town house

与 town house 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And here,live Muktar Sahanov,our town mechanic and abortionist:然后这里住的是Muktar Sahanov 镇里的机械工 也时常帮人堕胎

Over here,our town kildergarden.|在这 是... | And here,live Muktar Sahanov,our town mechanic and abortionist.|然后这里住的是Muktar Sahanov 镇里的机械工 也时常帮人堕胎 | This my house. Entry,please.|这里...

arrive at sp:到达某地(到达city,town等大地方)

visit sb. 拜访某人 | 66. arrive at sp. 到达某地(到达city,town等大地方) | arrive in sp. 到达某地(到达village,house等小地方)

We drove round town in search for a good hotel:我们开国满城转,相找个好旅馆

He is at present in search for a house. 他目前正在特色一幢房子. | We drove round town in search for a good hotel. 我们开国满城转,相找个好旅馆. | in search of(为了)寻找(寻求,查究):

We went to look round the town:我们去城里游逛

I'm going to look over a house that I'm thinking of buying.我准备去看一所我考虑要买的房子... | We went to look round the town.我们去城里游逛. | She began to look through photograph albums.她开始翻阅相册...

Burrawang Town:伯拉旺小镇

214思罗斯比公园 Throsby Park | 215伯拉旺小镇 Burrawang Town | 216拉纳拉大楼 Ranelagh House

然后这里住的是Muktar Sahanov 镇里的机械工 也时常帮人堕胎:And here,live Muktar Sahanov,our town mechanic and abortionist

Over here,our town kildergarden.|在这 是... | And here,live Muktar Sahanov,our town mechanic and abortionist.|然后这里住的是Muktar Sahanov 镇里的机械工 也时常帮人堕胎 | This my house. Entry,please.|这里...

The enemy fired on the town:(开炮)

12. The house is on fire.(着火) | 13. The enemy fired on the town. (开炮) | 14. At the end of a month he was fired for incompetence. (解雇)

The enemy fired on the town:敌人炮击那座城镇

Her house was on fire. 房子着火了. | The enemy fired on the town. 敌人炮击那座城镇. | on leave 在休假

house and town arrests:家中和镇中软禁;室内和城内软禁

HOURTON, Jose;何塞.奥尔顿;; | house and town arrests;家中和镇中软禁;室内和城内软禁;; | house arrest;软禁;;

Hate brooded over the town:仇恨笼罩着小镇

The house on the hill brooded above the village. 山顶的房屋俯阚着村子. | Hate brooded over the town. 仇恨笼罩着小镇. | 2."brood on/over"=think deeply, quietly and long about sth 细想; 盘算

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gray interrelation:灰色关联

灰度编码:Gray-coded | 灰色关联:gray interrelation | 灰色模型:Gray-model

spiritual civilization:心性文明

农村城镇化:rural civilization | 心性文明:Spiritual Civilization | 依法治国:socialistic political civilization

likin park:现在最喜欢的音乐专辑

我听的音乐Rock | 现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Likin Park | 最近读的书Eragon and Eldest