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Little by little and by bit:積沙成塔

One is never too old to learn. 活到老,學到老 | Little by little and by bit. 積沙成塔 | He laughs best who laughs last. 別高興的太早

make sb calm down:让某人平静

26. 起飞 take off | 27. 让某人平静 make sb calm down | 28. 太紧张以致不能放松 too nervous to relax

A:Can I help you:您想要买什么

And a pound of mince, too. 我还要一磅肉糜. | 2. A:Can I help you? 您想要买什么? | B:I'd just like to have a look around. 我只想随便看看.

Chinese Tea Culture:社会学院 张茂松

Never Too Old to Learn 社会学院 王颖 | Chinese Tea Culture 社会学院 张茂松 | Do You Really Know about Exercise 电子信息学院 吴明敏

clarify off:夸耀

利用use; get advantage of | 夸耀brag about; boast about; clarify off; speak too highly of | 照顾get care not of; get charge of; attend to; watch over

Clearheaded and openeyed With nothing left untried:漫漫长夜无心睡 此生有你终不悔

And not too old for sex|* 仍然老当益... | Clearheaded and openeyed With nothing left untried|* 漫漫长夜无心睡 此生有你终不悔 | Standing calmly at the crossroads No desire to run|* 十字路口我们停留 不想再...

Jim Edwards is the co-author of the best selling ebook:吉姆爱德华兹是的共同作者最畅销的电子书

regarding the host's policies before it's too late!关于东道国的政... | Jim Edwards is the co-author of the best selling ebook:吉姆爱德华兹是的共同作者最畅销的电子书: | "33 Days to Online Profits" " 33天...

The only man who knew the combination, you just shot:知道密码的人刚被你宰了

Open it and give me the stone.|那就打开它,把... | The only man who knew the combination, you just shot.|知道密码的人刚被你宰了 | Now, it's not too clever to hang about after Mickey's performance.|米奇的...

Come in. Sorry:请进,抱歉

I'm actually staying here, too. I thought I saw you, so...|事实上我也在这儿住.我想我看到你了,所以 | Come in. Sorry.|请进,抱歉 | Do you want something to drink? I have soda.|要喝点什么吗?我有苏打水

When I come of age:等我长大的吧

I guess I have to wait and see 我猜这得等等才能知道结果 | When I come of age 等我长大的吧 | My folks say I'm too young for love 我哥哥们说我太小还不能恋爱

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Too High To Get It Right
Too Drunk To Drive
Too Young To Know
Too Shy To Scream
Life's Too Short To Love This Fast
Too Late To Cry
Too Late To Worry, Too Blue To Cry
Too Old To Rock 'n' Roll: Too Young To Die
Too Hard To Handle... Too Free To Hold
Too Bright To See, Too Loud To Hear


perilymph 外淋巴 | perilymphangitis 淋巴管周炎 | perimeter 视野计


won 元 | matta 对(没错) | jeulgeoptta 愉快

Phototactic behaviour:趋光行为

有关研究为生物监测提供了一种很有应用前景的方法.但是,该方法尚处于研究初期,在理论与应用方面所积累的资料很少,国内尚无有关的研究.因此,利用溞科浮游生物的趋光行为(phototactic behaviour)监测环境中的污染物质,