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I've got to say, though,|it creeped me out:我得说,虽然这出乎我的意料

- I'm so proud of you!|- I can't believe it!|- 我为你... | I've got to say, though,|it creeped me out.|我得说,虽然这出乎我的意料 | You're getting a little too good|at infiltrating these freak shows.|但这...

7.I'm thinking about emigrating to Canada:7.我正考虑移民到加拿大去

6.He thinks too much about himself.6.他总是为自己考虑的太多了. | 7.I'm thinking about emigrating to Canada.7.我正考虑移民到加拿大去. | 8.You must not think about it any more.8.你不要再多想了?

More stress you put on persistent the longer will take him to recover:你越是坚持 他就越好不了

Please, please go.|求你了,走吧 | More stress you put on persistent the longer will take him to recover.|你越是坚持 他就越好不了 | You are too slow, nanny.|你太慢了,姥姥

To tell you the truth this is the most alive I've ever felt:实话告诉你 这是我感到最真实的生活

Live.|生活 | To tell you the truth this is the most alive I've ever felt.|实话告诉你 这是我感到最真实的生活 | You're too so goddamn romantic.|你真是该死的浪漫派

I am proud that we whittled it down to these three so quickly:那么快就把人选削减到三个,太好了

I saw you, too, man. Bravo.|我也看到了,太好了 | I am proud that we whittled it down to these three so quickly.|那么快就把人选削减到三个,太好了 | I have another candidate in mind.|我心里还有另外一个人...

Oh, we gonna run those yahoos back to town:我们会把那些坏人都赶回小镇上

- And your acorns too. - What's the plan, Boog?|- ... | Oh, we gonna run those yahoos back to town.|我们会把那些坏人都赶回小镇上 | Yeah, baby. When we get through with them, they won't ever come back.|...

Are you going to have a all-black movie?Black-cast? All-black wardrobe:你要全黑的电影? 黑人卡司

Yeah, Maureen, l read my ''Black Beat'' too, homey|我也看"黑人... | Are you going to have a all-black movie?Black-cast? All-black wardrobe|你要全黑的电影? 黑人卡司 | Black-eyes peas? Black cats?|黑眼珠?...

It's next to the cheese grater:就在起士研磨机按钮旁边

Just use your Black Box. Just choose the scientific calculator function in the me... | It's next to the cheese grater.|就在起士研磨机按钮旁边 | Mine's dead. I just think there's too many features.|我的...

go to dancing lesson:去上舞蹈课

a piece of information / news 一条信息/新闻 | go to dancing lesson 去上舞蹈课 | watch too much TV or film 看太多的电视或电影

Responding to closings:对告别用语的回答

good-bye. 再见 | Responding to closings 对告别用语的回答 | You too. 你也一样

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Too High To Get It Right
Too Drunk To Drive
Too Young To Know
Too Shy To Scream
Life's Too Short To Love This Fast
Too Late To Cry
Too Late To Worry, Too Blue To Cry
Too Old To Rock 'n' Roll: Too Young To Die
Too Hard To Handle... Too Free To Hold
Too Bright To See, Too Loud To Hear


perilymph 外淋巴 | perilymphangitis 淋巴管周炎 | perimeter 视野计


won 元 | matta 对(没错) | jeulgeoptta 愉快

Phototactic behaviour:趋光行为

有关研究为生物监测提供了一种很有应用前景的方法.但是,该方法尚处于研究初期,在理论与应用方面所积累的资料很少,国内尚无有关的研究.因此,利用溞科浮游生物的趋光行为(phototactic behaviour)监测环境中的污染物质,