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与 tightens 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Turn: 赛道交接处有个弯道 | Opens: 弯道出口很宽阔 | Tightens: 弯道出口很窄

Rose Water Softens; smoothes:玫瑰花水. . . . . 不罗嗦了

Rose Has an astringent effect on oily skin 玫瑰对油性皮肤有收敛... | Rose Water Softens; smoothes 玫瑰花水. . . . . 不罗嗦了 | Rosemary Muscle stimulant; tightens skin 迷迭香刺激肌肉组织已达到紧致作用....

Carrot Sloughs; moisturizes:胡萝卜去角质,补水

Bran Tightens large pores; combats dryness 糠磨成粉做面膜可以缩小... | Carrot Sloughs; moisturizes 胡萝卜去角质,补水 | Castor Oil Relieves itching; fades brown spots; eyelash treatment 蓖麻油止痒,淡化斑...

facial steams:没有实质东西. . . 不知道

Grapefruit Tightens large pores 柚子缩小... | Herbs Baths; facial steams; creams; lotions . . . 没有实质东西. . . 不知道 | Hollyhock Dried petals provide emollient action; moistens dry skin 干的蜀葵花瓣...

Heavy-duty nylon withstands travel rigors:重型尼龙经受苛刻的旅行

Multi-colored strap secures luggage and aids in identification多色肩带保证行李... | Heavy-duty nylon withstands travel rigors重型尼龙经受苛刻的旅行 | Ratchet lever quickly tightens the strap棘轮杠杆迅速...

Lotions:没有实质东西. . . 不知道

Grapefruit Tightens large pores 柚子缩小... | Herbs Baths; facial steams; creams; lotions . . . 没有实质东西. . . 不知道 | Hollyhock Dried petals provide emollient action; moistens dry skin 干的蜀葵花瓣...

Tightens and tones upper and lower abs and obliques; Strengthens back muscles:收紧和声调上,下abs和斜视;强化背部肌肉

Features: 特点... | Tightens and tones upper and lower abs and obliques; Strengthens back muscles收紧和声调上,下abs和斜视;强化背部肌肉 | Works abdominal muscles with fuller range of motion工程腹部肌肉,更...

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gray interrelation:灰色关联

灰度编码:Gray-coded | 灰色关联:gray interrelation | 灰色模型:Gray-model

spiritual civilization:心性文明

农村城镇化:rural civilization | 心性文明:Spiritual Civilization | 依法治国:socialistic political civilization

likin park:现在最喜欢的音乐专辑

我听的音乐Rock | 现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Likin Park | 最近读的书Eragon and Eldest