英语人>网络解释>tie-rod 相关的网络解释

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与 tie-rod 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

find ropes inside the mill to tie down the patches:上磨坊里找绳子绑布

14, find the scissors in the lab to cut the patches 再实验室里找剪刀... | 15, find ropes inside the mill to tie down the patches.上磨坊里找绳子绑布 | 16, bake fresh bread for the creature 为monster 做面...

to tie; knot, to bear (fruit):结

亮 bright; light; shiny | 结 to tie; knot, to bear (fruit) | 婚 marriage; marry

tie the knot:打结

而英语"打结"(tie the knot)则表示"结婚". (我又想:结婚的结,和打结的结,会不会其实是想表达相同的意思呢?或者说这两个词语的起源其实是同一个起源?)人们常对终成眷属的有情人感叹道:They have tied the knot at last .(他们终成眷属. )

tie the knot:打结(结婚)

throw in the towel 扔毛巾(认输,放弃) | tie the knot 打结(结婚) | toe the line 循规蹈矩,沿着线走

tie the knot:结婚

throw the bull 胡言乱语 | tie the knot 结婚 | till the cows come home 很久

tie the knot:打结(姻缘)

throw in the towel 扔毛巾(认输,放弃) | tie the knot 打结(姻缘) | toe the line 循规蹈矩,沿着线走

tie a knot:打一个结;缔结良缘

Notes:hangman n.绞刑吏,刽子手 | tie a knot打一个结;缔结良缘 | 9.Because he enjoyed cool music.(因为他爱听美妙的音乐. )

tie the knot = get married:结婚

97. It brings me to a new level of fluency in English. 它提高了我的英文流利程度. | 98. tie the knot = get married结婚 | 99. at the wedding ceremony 在结婚典礼上

We should tie the knot:承诺

10 We're opposites. 我们是相反的人. | 11 Let's get hitched! 让我们结婚吧. | 12 We should tie the knot. 承诺

We should tie the knot:我们应该结婚了

4 It's about time to marry. 差不多该结婚了. | 5 We should tie the knot. 我们应该结婚了. | 6 Let's get hitched! 让我们结婚吧.

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Loosen My Tie
Tie Me Down
Just Couldn't Tie Me Down
Black Tie White Noise
Tie Your Mother Down
Friday's Tie-Dye Nightmare
Tie My Rope
Never Tie Me Down
Tie It Up
Tie Me Up Tie Me Down

execute phase:执行阶段

execute part of cycle 周期的执行部分 | execute phase 执行阶段 | execute statement 执行语句

Preed to die:准备死啦

Ready to kill! 准备好杀戮 | Preed to die! 准备死啦 | Let me serve! 让我牺牲

point elasticity of supply:供給點彈性

point elasticity of demand需求點彈性 | point elasticity of supply供給點彈性 | population control人口控制