英语人>网络解释>tie-rod 相关的网络解释

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与 tie-rod 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

shoot off the tie:平局后再举行胜负的决赛

shoot off 发射, 击落, 打掉, 抛出. | shoot off the tie 平局后再举行胜负的决赛. | shoot one's cookies 呕吐.

tie one on:<美俚>喝醉

interchangeably 可交地, 可替交地 | tie one on <美俚>喝醉 | deny oneself 节制, 戒除

tie one on:闹饮, 喝得大醉

the wicked one 恶魔 | tie one on 闹饮, 喝得大醉 | young one 孩子; 年轻人; 幼小动物

tie one on:(美俚)喝醉,喝酒

geometrist 几何学家 | tie one on (美俚)喝醉,喝酒 | celery 芹菜

Let's tie one on:我们要一醉方休

That'll put air on your chest非常刺激,能壮胆,压惊 | Let's tie one on.我们要一醉方休 | He's three sheets to the wind他喝的烂醉如泥.

PORTER: Those guys sure can|tie one on. I mean:那些家伙总是能找理由喝酒,我是说

- Porter.|- I don't drink.|- 波特|- 我不喝酒 | PORTER: Those guys sure can|tie one on. I mean...|那些家伙总是能找理由喝酒,我是说...... | BEAGLE: Yeah.|嗯

Taking same tie to the one dog on earth,|he doesn't know how to beg:在地球竟然有一条|不知道怎样乞求的狗

What? The dog face?|What is that mean?|什么?狗脸... | Taking same tie to the one dog on earth,|he doesn't know how to beg.|在地球竟然有一条|不知道怎样乞求的狗 | Okay. If you want the food...|好吧,如果你...

The curtain cord she likes to wind, and tie it into sailor knots:她喜好缠绕窗帘拉绳,并绑上蝴蝶结

She teaches them music, crocheting and t... | The curtain cord she likes to wind, and tie it into sailor knots 她喜好缠绕窗帘拉绳,并绑上蝴蝶结 | She sits upon the windowsill or anything that's smooth a...

In the event of a tie, we move into a sudden-death round:在打平的情况下,我们进入突然死亡回合

After 87 minutes of very competitive play, we have a... | In the event of a tie, we move into a sudden-death round.|在打平的情况下,我们进入突然死亡回合 | Each team is given the opportunity to choose th...

I can tie one of these into a knot using just my tongue:我可以用舌头把樱桃梗打结

- Care for a cherry? - No, thanks.|要吃樱桃吗?不要,谢谢 | I can tie one of these into a knot using just my tongue.|我可以用舌头把樱桃梗打结 | You okay?|你还好吗?

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Loosen My Tie
Tie Me Down
Just Couldn't Tie Me Down
Black Tie White Noise
Tie Your Mother Down
Friday's Tie-Dye Nightmare
Tie My Rope
Never Tie Me Down
Tie It Up
Tie Me Up Tie Me Down

execute phase:执行阶段

execute part of cycle 周期的执行部分 | execute phase 执行阶段 | execute statement 执行语句

Preed to die:准备死啦

Ready to kill! 准备好杀戮 | Preed to die! 准备死啦 | Let me serve! 让我牺牲

point elasticity of supply:供給點彈性

point elasticity of demand需求點彈性 | point elasticity of supply供給點彈性 | population control人口控制