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through to相关的网络解释

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与 through to 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Well, girlfriend needs to move a comb through her hair:我看她该拿梳子,梳一下头发

performance art was more theater than installation. She's moved it to the next level.|表演艺术... | Well, girlfriend needs to move a comb through her hair.|我看她该拿梳子,梳一下头发 | She has company.|有...

We might need you to come through with your friends, Robbie:我们也许需要哪 们多邀朋友来帮忙

Sure. 当然. | We might need you to come through with your friends, Robbie. 我们也许需要哪 们多邀朋友来帮忙 Robbie. | Not just to go around the neighborhood asking for furniture, 不仅在这社区哪技揖

There is a house through the field:穿过田野,有一所房子

33.through 穿过,通过 | There is a house through the field. 穿过田野,有一所房子. | Cars are not allowed to go through the city center. 禁止汽车从市中心穿过.

(Through self-awareness one matures, through self-satisfaction one degrades:人因自覺而成長;因自滿而墮落

忍得過,看得破;提得起,放得下. (To tolerate... | 人因自覺而成長;因自滿而墮落. (Through self-awareness one matures, through self-satisfaction one degrades.) | 多做多得;少做多失. (The more you do, the more...

The River Thames flows through London:泰晤士河流经伦敦

The thief got in through the window.小偷是穿过窗户进来的 | The River Thames flows through London.泰晤士河流经伦敦. | It took us two hours to walk through the forest.我们花了两个小时穿过森林.

Win through your Actions, Never through Argument:用行动而不是争吵来获胜

7. Get others to do the Work for you, but Always Take the Credit 让... | 9. Win through your Actions, Never through Argument 用行动而不是争吵来获胜 | 10. Infection: Avoid the Unhappy and Unlucky会传染,...

to pay through the nose:付出很高价钱

Follow the nose 可以指"一直走",也指随着你闻到的味道去找什么东西,或什么地方 | To pay through the nose 付出很高价钱 | to keep an ear to the ground 保持高度警觉

to get one's passport visaed:办理护照签证手续

to go through one''s exit formalities 办理出境手续 | to get one''s passport visaed 办理护照签证手续 | to go through the passport formalities 办理护照手续

Tom's book has gone through three printings:汤姆的书已印了三次

Your suggestion has to go through several stages. 你的建议得经过... | Tom's book has gone through three printings. 汤姆的书已印了三次. | We went through our task without any difficulty. 我们毫不费力地...

If he were to hear through the grapevine that I was willing to work overtime:要是他听到流言说我愿意加班

Understood.But I hear Dr. House hates clinic ... | If he were to hear through the grapevine that I was willing to work overtime,|要是他听到流言说我愿意加班 | - take some of it off his hands... - My adv...

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Trying To Make It Through
Get Through To You
If I Were To Write This Song.../Get Through This
How Do I Get Through To You
Song To See You Through
Break On Through (To The Other Side)
Voiceless Territory (Intro To Falling Through The Worlds)
Reaching Through To The Other Side
Through To You
Getting Through To Her

territorial waters:鍰漆

﹛﹛Term 芩華逤? | ﹛﹛Territorial Waters 鍰漆 | ﹛﹛The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance 悵玸珛潼燴揭


Mesostigmata 中气门亚目 中气亚目 | Mesostoma 中口涡虫属 | Mesosuchia 中鳄亚目

Hit Team:重装警察

新扎师妹 Love Undercover (2002) | 重装警察 Hit Team (2001) | 游园惊梦 Peony Pavilion (2001)