英语人>网络解释>there-in-after 相关的网络解释

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与 there-in-after 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

there'd be swelling which would constrict the arteries:会有积水压迫动脉

If adam has an infection,|如果亚当受了感染 | there'd be swelling which would constrict the arteries,|会有积水压迫动脉 | and the flow would be slower.|流动就会减慢

where there was no cornfield:那里没有玉米地

beyond everything we knew,|完全超乎我们想像的地方 | where there was no cornfield,|那里没有玉米地 | no memory,|没有记忆

There is a cow behind the tree:树后面有一头牛

3. behind * 在......后面: | There is a cow behind the tree. 树后面有一头牛. | 4. for * 给......的:

Big crowd out there now:外面聚集了大批人潮

I'II have some questions for you.|我要好好问你的话 | Big crowd out there now.|外面聚集了大批人潮 | Thank you for your statements. You are free to go, of course.|谢谢你们的供词 当然,你们可以走了

Man, between hoping to win, the crowd out there:要赢得这里的观众

What's up, boys? You guys on this show? That's the rumor.|- 怎么样... | Man, between hoping to win, the crowd out there...|要赢得这里的观众 | and being on TV, I'd be scared as hell if I were you two.|又...

No, there was an appliance left on. It looks like a curling iron:不是,浴室有个电器没拔掉,好像是卷发器

- We determined the cause of the fire. - I know. It was ... | No, there was an appliance left on. It looks like a curling iron.|不是,浴室有个电器没拔掉,好像是卷发器 | - I don't use a curling iron. - So...

There is a sing and dancing hall nearby:咱这附近有个歌舞厅

Everybody having a break 大家都休息一下 | There is a sing and dancing hall nearby 咱这附近有个歌舞厅 | Very enjoyable 美的很

A dead soldier there, here. Ours, theirs:到处都是死掉的士兵,有我们的人也有他们的

Every where you would look, you would see dead people.|不管是往... | A dead soldier there, here. Ours, theirs.|到处都是死掉的士兵,有我们的人也有他们的 | Then civilians besides. Dead animals.|还有死掉的...

It's deadlier out there:我可帮不上忙

I've gotta save my line, we're losing the audience.|我还要念台词 会失去观众的 | It's deadlier out there.|我可帮不上忙 | Come on, Mary!|快啊 Mary!

Caparzo! We've got DeForest back there with Wade:卡帕佐 德佛里斯特和魏德在后面

Jackson, but that's it. Mellish here!|- 只有杰... | Caparzo! We've got DeForest back there with Wade!|卡帕佐 德佛里斯特和魏德在后面 | D.'s hurt so bad he's sprung a hundred leaks! Wade says he's used u...

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(There's) Always Something There To Remind Me
There's A World Out There
(There's) Always Something There To Remind Me
Before There Was Atlanta, There Was Douglasville
Phil Cosby (Before There Was Atlanta, There Was Douglasville)
Is There Anyone Out There?
That's All There Is (There Isn't Anymore)
Is There Anyone Out There
There, There, My Dear
(There's) Always Something There To Remind Me


sedopeptose 景天糖 | seducement 诱惑手段 | seducershaikhsheiksheikh 玩弄女性的人

LADY DY:达依女士

节目名称 达依女士(LADY DY) 节目介绍:经典曲目. 此首是从理查德的>里获得. 节目名称 瓦妮莎的微笑(LES PREMIERS SOURIRES DE VANESSA) 节目介绍:该曲目的背景资料亦未知,由理查德.克莱得曼的>专辑中截取.

The Golden Age:辉煌年代

下来将同英国老乡克里夫欧文并肩出现在凯特布兰切特的伊丽莎白女王时代剧<<辉煌年代>>(The Golden Age)当中,此外还与娜塔丽波特曼、斯嘉丽约翰逊以及艾瑞克巴纳合作了亨利八世时代剧<<另一个波琳家的女孩>>(The Other Boleyn Girl)等,