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the world相关的网络解释

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与 the world 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Allude the authorities:挑衅当局权威

48. Love is the most precious thing in the world;爱是世界上最珍贵的 | 49. Allude the authorities;挑衅当局权威 | 50. Turning a blind eye to everything you saw was wrong;对不该发生的事情睁一只眼闭一只...

America, the atom bomb, and so on and so forth:美国靠原子弹成为世界霸主

The British Empire ruled the world because they built ships.|大不列颠帝国 靠... | America, the atom bomb, and so on and so forth.|美国靠原子弹成为世界霸主 | I just want what Prometheus wanted.|我只要普罗...

as the saying goes:正如俗语所说的

as the day is long 终日 | as the saying goes 正如俗语所说的 | as the world goes 照习惯说

Start at the beginning:从头开始说

You are my people and we'll talk about it now!|你们是我的朋友 我们现在就得谈 | Start at the beginning.|-从头开始说 | You are the bossiest bride in the world.|-你是全世界最霸道的新娘

Southern Rebel and Northern Autocrat: Zhu Yuanzhang and the Ming Dynasty Founding:南方叛軍與北方專制君主:朱元璋與明朝的建立

The World Empire of the Mongols蒙... | Southern Rebel and Northern Autocrat: Zhu Yuanzhang and the Ming Dynasty Founding 南方叛軍與北方專制君主:朱元璋與明朝的建立 | Silver and Social Change in Late Min...

to be in the habit of:有...习惯

in the world 究竟,到底 | to be in the habit of 有...习惯 | on the other hand 另一方面

In the bluest sky:战斗机不断往返

The shuttle broke into a million pieces 湛蓝无比的天空 | In the bluest sky 战斗机不断往返 | The world is spinning 'round way too fast 历史总是在不停的重复

It's everyone's fault. I don't understand why he should carry the can:这是大家的过错,我不明白为什么 要他一个人承担责任

carry the can承担责任,接受批... | It's everyone's fault. I don't understand why he should carry the can. 这是大家的过错,我不明白为什么 要他一个人承担责任. | carry the world before one参见carry all bef...

And the sky might catch on fire:天空也許會著火

With dripping wings. Heavy things won't fly無法飛翔的濕透羽翼沉重無比 | And the sky might catch on fire天空也許會著火 | And burn the axis of the world, that's why漫延至世界之中心

and remorse, and the clearest knowledge:懊悔的果实,洞明世事的果实

而羞愧是我的虚荣的果实,/and shame is the fruit of my vanit... | 懊悔的果实,洞明世事的果实--/and remorse, and the clearest knowledge | 世间的欢愉究竟是个短暂的梦. /of how the world's delight is a brief ...

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The Boy Who Destroyed The World
Now The World (Sing The Sorrow Version)
The End Of The World
We Kill The World (Don't Kill The World)
The Most Beautiful World In The World
The Girl With The Weight Of The World In Her Hands
We're At The Top Of The World (To The Simple, Two)
Woman Of The World (Leave My World Alone)
World Inside The World
Right 2 The Ways And The Rules Of The World

mine-run coal:原煤

"mine resistance","通风阻力 ; 矿阻" | "mine-run coal","原煤" | "mine salting","矿石渗杂"

PA: Pennsylvania:美国宾夕法尼亚州州名

ancestry 祖先(集合称), 家系, 血统 | Pa. Pennsylvania 美国宾夕法尼亚州州名 | booster locomotive 辅助机车

corrugate steel fibers:卷曲钢纤维

corrosion inhibiting, , admixture 防锈掺会料 | corrugate steel fibers 卷曲钢纤维 | corrugated aluminium 波状铝板