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正宗的英国下午茶特色有三:幽雅舒适的环境--如家中的客厅(Salon)或花园;丰盛的冷热点心(refreshments)--要由女主人亲手调制;高档的茶具(tea set)--银制茶具(silver tea set)或细瓷杯碟(fine China cup and dish),

Nine brooks smoke tree:九溪烟树

龙井问茶The Longjing tea asks the tea | 九溪烟树Nine brooks smoke tree | 吴山天风Wu Shantian wind


普洱茶 : "P'uli" Tea | 小种,毛尖 : Souchong | 麦芽茶 : Malt tea

Tarry Souchong:烟小种

10)正山红茶 Zhengshan Black Tea | 11)烟小种 Tarry Souchong | 12)平水红茶 Pingshui Black Tea


下午茶优雅华美的风格体现在以下几方面:下午茶所用茶叶、茶具和茶点都以精美为标准,茶叶选用最高的红茶,尤以中国茶为贵,茶具通常选用中国瓷器或铝制器皿,配备齐全的一套泡茶用具(tea set)包括茶壶(teapot),茶杯(tea cup),

temperance drink:无酒精饮料

wulong tea乌龙茶 | temperance drink无酒精饮料 | perfumed tea香片

You are tempestuous, Mr Brown:您就像是暴风骤雨 布朗先生

I couldn't possibly swallow it under the circumstances.|在这种情况下我无法下咽 | You are tempestuous, Mr Brown.|您就像是暴风骤雨 布朗先生 | - Tea? - Yes, tea.|- 喝茶吗? - 好的

troopship,trooper transport:运输船

428 手推车 trolly tea car,tea wagon | 429 运输船 troopship,trooper transport | 430 长裤 trousers pants,slacks

He coughed and coughed:他咳个不停

The train came nearer and nearer.火车越驶越近了. | He coughed and coughed.他咳个不停. | There is tea and tea.茶有这种和那种之分.

This is "Stupid" and the other one is "Stupider:这个叫"愚蠢",另一个则是"蠢货

Did you guys meet my friends?|你们见到我的... | This is "Stupid" and the other one is "Stupider."|这个叫"愚蠢",另一个则是"蠢货" | -Would you like some ginseng tea? -No, I don't drink tea.|-你喜欢喝人参...

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Pink Tea
Long Island Iced Tea
Chai Tea Latte
Another Pot O' Tea
Time For Tea
Medicate With Tea
Tea Will Rock You
For The Price Of A Cup Of Tea
Tea For Two
Tea & Symphony


图四中可见除了K/T交界之外,重大绝种期发生在奥陶纪(Ordovician)、泥盆纪(Devonian)、二叠纪(Permian)、三叠纪(Triassic)等. 自寒武纪(Cambrian)之后,平均绝种速度渐减,表示演化时期愈久,生物之适应能力愈强. 除了K/T交界发现有铱异常之外,

RRP Radical retropubic prostatectomy:耻骨后前列腺根治性切除

RR Relative risk 相对危险 | RRP Radical retropubic prostatectomy 耻骨后前列腺根治性切除 | RSV Respiratory syncytial virus 呼吸道合包病毒

thymidine kinase:胸腺激酶

胸腺核苷 thymidine | 胸腺激酶 thymidine kinase | 胸腺核苷酸 thymidylic acid