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与 tea-planter 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ancestor worship about Yan and Shenong Empire:祭炎帝神农茶祖大典

15 临湘市茶业有限责任公司 Linxiang Tea Company Ltd. | 16 祭炎帝神农茶祖大典 Ancestor worship about Yan and Shenong Empire | 28 饮茶有益健康、茶与人生 Drinking tea is good for health , Tea and life

Long Island Ice Tea...TWD:長島冰茶

墨西哥日出/Tequila Sunrise...TWD150 | 長島冰茶/Long Island Ice Tea...TWD200 | §瓶酒/Bottle Keeping§

a glass of green tea:一杯绿茶

7. 牛肉土豆面 beef and potato noodles | 8. 一杯绿茶 a glass of green tea | 9. 一大碗米饭 a large bowl of rice

Tea? - No, teabags. You leave them all over the house, and they stain:茶? 是茶包,你放得到处都是 它们会留下茶迹

It's this.|-关于这... | - Tea? - No, teabags. You leave them all over the house, and they stain.|-茶? 是茶包,你放得到处都是 它们会留下茶迹 | Maybe you could just try to be a little more careful.|-你可以...

you've slipped deadly nightshade into my tea and run off:在我茶中放了颠茄后逃跑

That's twice this month|这个月你是第二次 | you've slipped deadly nightshade into my tea and run off.|在我茶中放了颠茄后逃跑 | - Three times.|第三次

The American revolution had tea:[美国革命有倾茶事件]

Come on. Let's go. [快走] | The American revolution had tea. [美国革命有倾茶事件] | But looks like the overthrow of Blair Waldorf, [但是好像推翻Blair Waldorf]

Con. black tea powder:濃縮紅茶粉

荷葉山楂粉 Lotus leaf botany powder | 濃縮紅茶粉 Con. black tea powder | 粗胚芽粒 Wide wheat germ powder

Paraguay tea:巴拉圭茶

paragonite 钠云母 | Paraguay tea 巴拉圭茶 | paragutta 巴西橡胶

Long Island Tea:长岛茶

长岛茶(Long Island Tea) 坦布勒杯中加入冰块 1/5俄得克酒 1/5白老姆酒 1/5金酒 2/5冰红茶 加满冰镇可口可乐 装饰1片柠檬片,1支新鲜薄荷叶,1支调酒棒.

Long Island Tea:长岛冰茶

玛格丽特Margarta | 长岛冰茶Long Island Tea | 天使之吻Angel's Kiss

第92/100页 首页 < ... 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 ... > 尾页
Pink Tea
Long Island Iced Tea
Chai Tea Latte
Another Pot O' Tea
Time For Tea
Medicate With Tea
Tea Will Rock You
For The Price Of A Cup Of Tea
Tea For Two
Tea & Symphony


图四中可见除了K/T交界之外,重大绝种期发生在奥陶纪(Ordovician)、泥盆纪(Devonian)、二叠纪(Permian)、三叠纪(Triassic)等. 自寒武纪(Cambrian)之后,平均绝种速度渐减,表示演化时期愈久,生物之适应能力愈强. 除了K/T交界发现有铱异常之外,

RRP Radical retropubic prostatectomy:耻骨后前列腺根治性切除

RR Relative risk 相对危险 | RRP Radical retropubic prostatectomy 耻骨后前列腺根治性切除 | RSV Respiratory syncytial virus 呼吸道合包病毒

thymidine kinase:胸腺激酶

胸腺核苷 thymidine | 胸腺激酶 thymidine kinase | 胸腺核苷酸 thymidylic acid