英语人>网络解释>talking-tos 相关的网络解释

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与 talking-tos 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There was not attack We were talking, very heatedly:哪有攻击 只是谈得很激烈

Why did you attack Sidney Prescott|你为什么攻击席妮... | There was not attack We were talking, very heatedly|哪有攻击 只是谈得很激烈 | Miss Prescott and l have a very complicated past|席妮和我 有段复杂的...

He began talking/to talk in a loud voice:他开始大声讲话

[2]begin; start; continue; intend; design等动词接动名词或动词不定式作... | He began talking/to talk in a loud voice. 他开始大声讲话. | They began throwing/to throw furniture out of the window. 他们开始...

Oh, well, in that case, go ahead. Why are we even talking:哦,如果是那样,干呗 干嘛还费事说啊

Just for a little while. I'll bring her right... | Oh, well, in that case, go ahead. Why are we even talking?|哦,如果是那样,干呗 干嘛还费事说啊? | If we do nothing, she's dead in a day. Maybe a week.|如...

Dang it. Freddy, this is your teacher talking:佛德里, 快给我出来 你老师找你

Hey, have you seen a little kid, like, yay high?|嘿, 你有没有看到 一个大约这... | Dang it. Freddy, this is your teacher talking!|佛德里, 快给我出来 你老师找你! | - Hey, Mr. S. - Oh, man.|- 嘿, 史先生 - ...

But a talking snake make a lady eat an apple:但一条会说话的蛇 诱惑淑女吃了苹果

And that's what I taught.|这也是我教授的内容 | But a talking snake make a lady eat an apple,|但一条会说话的蛇 诱惑淑女吃了苹果... | So we're screwed.|而使我们永劫不复

We were talking last time about libertarianism:我们上一次谈到自由意志

353 00:27:50,780 --> 00:27:52,010 ... | 354 00:27:53,340 --> 00:27:55,880 我们上一次谈到自由意志. We were talking last time about libertarianism. | 355 00:27:57,970 --> 00:28:00,950 我想回顾下关于收入再...

Talking to the loan officer at the bank:与银行的贷款负责责人谈

Looking at the houses. 看房子 | Talking to the loan officer at the bank. 与银行的贷款负责责人谈 | It has been a learning experience. That's true. 这真是一次学习经经验 真的

Talking to the loan officer at the bank:与银行的贷款负责人谈

Looking at the houses. 看房子. | Talking to the loan officer at the bank. 与银行的贷款负责人谈. | It has been a learning experience. That's true. 这真是一次学习经验,真的.

Talking to the loan officer at the bank:與銀行啲貸款負責責人談

Looking at the houses. 看房子 | Talking to the loan officer at the bank. 與銀行啲貸款負責責人談 | It has been a learning experience. That's true. 这真是一次學習經經驗 真啲

We both know the only reason i'm talking lucidly now:你我都知道之所以我现在还能 清醒地和你说话

Suppose we incase your oxycodone.|假如我们... | We both know the only reason i'm talking lucidly now|你我都知道之所以我现在还能 清醒地和你说话 | is because I did not take my full dose this morning.|是因...

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Let The Music Do The Talking
I'm Not Talking
Mona Lisa Talking
Dead Man Talking
For The Sake Of Talking
Let Your Heart Do All The Talking
Talking Of Michelangelo
Post Nuclear Talking Blues
Everybody's Talking
Talking To You (Is Like Talking To Myself)

front slagging:前方除渣(熔铁炉)

"准星","front sight" | "前方除渣(熔铁炉)","front slagging" | "前弹簧","front spring"

make noise:吵闹、发出嘈杂声

85.see to照料、注意; | 86.make noise吵闹、发出嘈杂声; | 87.stare at凝视;

derivative equaliser:孔径均衡器、微分均衡器、群时延均衡器、延迟

aperture corrector with delay line 带有延迟线的... | aperture equaliser, derivative equaliser, group delay equaliser, delay 孔径均衡器、微分均衡器、群时延均衡器、延迟 | apparatus electric circuit 电子篱笆;...