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与 talking-tos 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Science has been tantalized for years at the prospect of talking:学界近年来有讨论认为

that I'm connecting with an intelligent being.|我正在和一个... | Science has been tantalized for years at the prospect of talking|学界近年来有讨论认为 | to the most intelligent creatures on earth,|地球...

Are we talking hard facts or the bamboo telegraph:这是事实,还是小道消息

From our spies in Cabanatuan City.|是我们在卡... | Are we talking hard facts or the bamboo telegraph?|这是事实,还是小道消息? | The bamboo telegraph told me you and your men are coming here today, sir.|...

Because you never embarrassed me by talking about the bird and bee:(因为你从不谈论鸟类和蜜蜂来使我难堪. )

Because of all the nights you sat working ... | Because you never embarrassed me by talking about the bird and bee.(因为你从不谈论鸟类和蜜蜂来使我难堪. ) | Because I know there's a faded newapaper clip...

We're talking about the other bloodsucker who tried to kill Bella:但还有别的想杀Bella的吸血鬼

No, you're just a harmless Cullen.|不 你是无侵略性的... | We're talking about the other bloodsucker who tried to kill Bella|但还有别的想杀Bella的吸血鬼 | - ...because of you. - Victoria?|- ...就是因为你...

Are we talking bigger than a breadbasket:你打算谈论比胃还重要的事吗

- I should go. - You think it's gonna come out on its own?|- 我要走... | Are we talking bigger than a breadbasket?|你打算谈论比胃还重要的事吗? | Because, actually, it will come out on its own.|因为 事实...

Talking by Phone:电话交谈

30 Money Market 金融市场 | 01 Talking by Phone 电话交谈 | 02 Failing to Communicate 错过电话

Or when we were talking about the cabin boy:或当我们谈论到救生艇里的男孩

368 00:27:39,060 --> 00:27:41,380 如果他许可的... | 369 00:27:42,220 --> 00:27:44,780 或当我们谈论到救生艇里的男孩 Or when we were talking about the cabin boy, | 370 00:27:46,820 --> 00:27:48,700 杀害并...

Be cautious when talking about others:别人的事,小心的说

Slide 11: 伤心的事,不要见人就说. Do not tell everybody your s... | Slide 12: 别人的事,小心的说. Be cautious when talking about others. | Slide 13: 自己的事,听听自己的心怎么说 . Listen to what the he...

Mother, we're talking about an introduction to a tailor, a clothier:妈妈,你可以再讲讲泰勒的事吗? 好吧

I hope you haven't incurred any obligation... | Mother, we're talking about an introduction to a tailor, a clothier.|妈妈,你可以再讲讲泰勒的事吗? 好吧 | Well, I very much like this material... this fab...

Gus Van Sant .... Man Talking to Man in Cowboy Hat (uncredited):加斯.范.桑特

詹姆斯.瑞马尔 James Remar .... Patrolman | 加斯.范.桑特 Gus Van Sant .... Man Talking to Man in Cowboy Hat (uncredited) | 利塔.威尔逊 Rita Wilson .... Caroline

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Let The Music Do The Talking
I'm Not Talking
Mona Lisa Talking
Dead Man Talking
For The Sake Of Talking
Let Your Heart Do All The Talking
Talking Of Michelangelo
Post Nuclear Talking Blues
Everybody's Talking
Talking To You (Is Like Talking To Myself)

front slagging:前方除渣(熔铁炉)

"准星","front sight" | "前方除渣(熔铁炉)","front slagging" | "前弹簧","front spring"

make noise:吵闹、发出嘈杂声

85.see to照料、注意; | 86.make noise吵闹、发出嘈杂声; | 87.stare at凝视;

derivative equaliser:孔径均衡器、微分均衡器、群时延均衡器、延迟

aperture corrector with delay line 带有延迟线的... | aperture equaliser, derivative equaliser, group delay equaliser, delay 孔径均衡器、微分均衡器、群时延均衡器、延迟 | apparatus electric circuit 电子篱笆;...