英语人>网络解释>surgery 相关的网络解释

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与 surgery 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

stomatological hospital:口腔医院

plastic surgery hospital 整形外科医院 | stomatological hospital 口腔医院 | tuberculosis hospital 结核病医院

stubbed toe:脚趾骨折

surgery 手术 | stubbed toe 脚趾骨折 | sprained wrist 腕关节扭伤

surgent growth:猛进生长

surface validity 表面效度 | surgent growth 猛进生长 | surgery 外科

tack, tach:词根表"钉

clinical surgery 临床外科 | tack, tach词根表"钉" | tack 大头钉;用大头钉钉住

cardiac tamponade:心压塞

心脏外科 cardiac surgery | 心压塞 cardiac tamponade | 心瓣 cardiac valve

temporomandibular disorders:颞下颌关节紊乱病

口腔颌面外科 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery | Temporomandibular Disorders 颞下颌关节紊乱病 | arthroscopy 关节内窥镜


Thoracic Surgery 胸腔外科 | Thoracoscope 胸腔镜,为诊断之方法 | Thoracoscopy 胸腔镜检查


thoracoscopic surgery 胸腔镜手术 | thoracoscopy 胸腔镜检查术 | thrombocytopenia 血小板减少症

video-assisted thoracoscopy surgery:abbr. vats; 电视胸腔镜手术


Then I'll take her toher pediatrician. She's six, rob:那我就带她看儿科医生 她只有六岁

And for all we know she could get sick again tomorrow.|可在我们... | Then I'll take her toher pediatrician. She's six, rob.|那我就带她看儿科医生 她只有六岁, Rob | She shouldn't haveunnecessary surgery.|...

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Surgery I Stole
Beautiful Surgery
Brain Salad Surgery
Brain Surgery
Love Surgery
Plastic Surgery Slumber Party
Heart Surgery Isn't That Bad...
Crash Course In Brain Surgery
Twenty-Twenty Surgery

reliability reassignment:可靠性再分配

reliability program for system 系统可靠性规划 | reliability reassignment 可靠性再分配 | reliability report 可靠性报告

Lots and lots of gum-gum:(很多很多的糖糖)

Yes, I did, fathead.(是的,傻瓜) | Lots and lots of gum-gum.(很多很多的糖糖) | 轉載至奇摩知識+的MAC


multiple-order 多级 | multiple-orificevalve 多孔板阀 | multiple-pass 多程