英语人>网络解释>succeed 相关的网络解释

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与 succeed 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

you are being disingenuous:你们真是虚伪

Rhodes knew that market forces can succeed where politicians fail.|洛德斯明白... | you are being disingenuous.|你们真是虚伪 | This is about your company protecting it's investments here, is it not?.|你...


bow before sb. 叩见某人 | dowager :继承亡夫爵位(或遗产的)遗孀, 贵妇 | succeed the throne :继位

withdraw: draw back; draw away:(动)收回

You will not succeed if you waste your time on trifles such as movies and dances.如果你浪费时间在... | 13.withdraw: draw back; draw away(动)收回 | He quickly withdrew his hand from the hot stove.他很快...

fail to do sth:做某事失败

24. expect (sb) to do sth 期望去做某事 | 25. fail to do sth 做某事失败 | succeed doing sth 成功做了某事

fail to do sth=fail in doing sth:做......失败

41. 做.....真好开心 It's nice to do sth | 42. 做......失败 fail to do sth=fail in doing sth | 43. 做......成功 succeed in doing sth

fail to:力所不能;失败

19.be up against 对抗;对付;面临 | 20.fail to 力所不能;失败 | 21.succeed in 在......取得成功

finish doing sth:做完某事(后接动词-ing形式)(常考)

succeed doing sth 成功做了某事 | 26. finish doing sth 做完某事(后接动词-ing形式)(常考) | 27. follow sb to do sth 跟随某人去做某事

give up doing sth:放弃做

succeed in doing sth 成功的做了... | give up doing sth 放弃做... | dream of 梦想..

You're always so hard-nosed:你总是太固执

It's as plain as the nose on your face. 那是秃子头上的虱子,明摆着的.... | You're always so hard-nosed! 你总是太固执! | If you keep your nose to the grindstone, you'll succeed. 如果你努力不懈,就会成功的...

is taking to the hustings for the first time in an area:首次在该区进行竞选/拉票活动

正在美国攻读博士学位 is studying for a doctoral degree in the US | 首次在该区进行竞选/拉票活动 is taking to the hustings for the first time in an area | 是她的热门接任人选 is tipped to succeed her

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Yet To Succeed
How To Succeed

seed pearl:珍珠; 米珠

seed 播种, 成熟, 结实; 结实, 播种 (动) | seed pearl 珍珠; 米珠 | seed plant 种子植物

break though:挤过去,突破,打破,打(洞等),(太阳由云间)钻出,犯(规),违(章)

60. break out发生,(战争等)突发,爆发,(囚犯等)逃脱,倒空(容器),由(船舱)卸货 | 61. break though挤过去,突破,打破,打(洞等),(太阳由云间)钻出,犯(规),违(章) | 62. break up弄破,打碎,拆散,拆开,剖割(兽体等),破坏

Your accusation is baseless:你的指责毫无道理

2. I'm a man of pronounced views. 我向来观点鲜明. | 3. Your accusation is baseless. 你的指责毫无道理. | 4. We're not a fly-by-night operator. 我们不做一锤子买卖.