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与 stations 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

take action:开始行动; 采取行动(in); 提出诉讼

fit the action to the word 怎样说就怎样做, 说到做到 | take action 开始行动; 采取行动(in); 提出诉讼 | Action stations! [口]大家作好准备!

allowable error:許容誤差

816. allowable distance between stations 許容局間距離 | 817. allowable error 許容誤差 | 818. allowable oil pressure 許容油圧

Digital Backlight LCD Display:数字背光液晶显示屏

Features: 特点: | Digital Backlight LCD Display数字背光液晶显示屏 | 5-Preset Buttons for your favorite stations in AM or FM 5 -预设的按钮,为你喜爱的车站时或f m

cellular technology:蜂窝技术

"孙枕戈也对第三代蜂窝技术(cellular technology)充满热情. 孙枕戈认为,3G会成为全球无线标准,于是他开始梦想中兴对此进行投资. 作为中兴技术部门的负责人,孙枕戈监管所有的中兴产品,包括3G Bay Stations和中兴手机产品. 孙枕戈表示,

Classification society:船级社

"控制站"(control stations) 指无线电或主要导航设备、应急动力源、中央火警指示设备、火警控制设备、或灭火装设所在的舱间,或位于推进机舱外面的控制室;"船级社"(classification society) 指处长在适当情况下授权为船舶分级的任何社团;

degree program:学位点

学位点 degree program | 国家级重点社科研究基地 key social science research centers | 博士后科学研究流动站 post-doctoral research stations

Deploy Abroad:国外部署

Orbiting Stations轨道站 | ⒌Deploy Abroad国外部署 | Destination目的地

highway entrances and exits:高速公路

6) 火车站、长途汽车站、地铁 Surveillances at public places such as train stations, bus stations and subways | 7) 高速公路 highway entrances and exits | 8) 监狱、劳改所 Prisons and reformatories

Footbaths and handwash stations should always be available:设有洗脚和洗手的地方

farm office situated at the fence 猪... | Footbaths and handwash stations should always be available 设有洗脚和洗手的地方 | Chlorine, iodine and alkaline compounds are most useful to destroy bacteria an...

Bars, liquor stores, gas stations you get your head blown off sticking up one of them:酒吧、加油站和杂货店都有保全

Nobody ever robs restaurants Why ... | Bars, liquor stores, gas stations you get your head blown off sticking up one of them|酒吧、加油站和杂货店都有保全 | Restaurants, on the other hand, you catch with...

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Stations Of The Cross
Calling On All Stations
Calling All Stations
Stopping All Stations
Stopping All Stations Restrung
Stuck Between Stations
Distant Stations
Calling All Stations

Proxy Proxy:代理

Protocol: Protocol: 通訊協定: | Proxy Proxy 代理 | Re-request Authorization Re-request Authorization 重新請求批准

insurmountable odds:这里指不可战胜的神话

go before the cameras:开拍 | insurmountable odds:这里指不可战胜的神话 | flick:[俚]电影

24-hour customer helpline:24小时客户服务热线

26. Affinity and cobranded credit cards 亲和卡,联名信用卡 | 27. 24-hour customer helpline 24小时客户服务热线 | 28. Priority banking 优先银行服务