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与 staff 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Scratched Claymore:粗糙的雙刃刀 粗糙的巨刃劍

Blessed Qiraji Augur Staff 神聖其拉占卜法杖 其拉祝福占兆法杖 | Scratched Claymore 粗糙的雙刃刀 粗糙的巨刃劍 | Earth Warder's Vest 大地守望者外衣 大地守衛外衣

Comparable installed sited:(软体的客户参考)

44.5 29.6 25.9 Previous experience with vendor(软体厂商的导入经验) | 14.8 40.7 44.5 Comparable installed sited (软体的客户参考) | 0.0 51.9 48.1 Easy of use by staff (职员或幕僚感觉好用)

No Sledges Allowed:禁止携带冰车入园

55. 游人止步 Staff Only | 56. 禁止携带冰车入园 No Sledges Allowed | 57. 自行车、摩托车、残疾车禁止入园 No Vehicles Allowed

sponsored visit:赞助访问

split shift 分隔的轮班时间 | sponsored visit 赞助访问 | Staff Circular 员工常务通告

sponsored visit:赞助访谒

split shift 分隔的轮班时间 | sponsored visit 赞助访谒 | staff appraisal report 员工评核陈述;员工考绩陈述

former spouses:从前的配偶

former Soviet Union;前苏联;; | former spouses;从前的配偶;; | former staff member;退职工作人员;;

stacking fault:堆积缺陷

"stacked job process","堆叠工作处理" | "stacking fault","堆积缺陷" | "staff and ticket case","牌卷箱"

staffing function:人力功能

staff organization 幕僚组织 | staffing function 人力功能 | stag 投机新股者

staffing function:人事职能

staff tablet ==> 通票 | staffing function ==> 人事职能 | Staffordshire blues ==> 斯塔福德蓝砖

sterilizing lamp:消毒灯

sterilizing facilities for staff 工作人员卫生消毒设施 | sterilizing lamp 消毒灯 | sterilizing pan 消毒锅

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Hell's Wind Staff / Killah Hills 10304
Pleasant Hotel Staff
On Behalf Of The Entire Staff And Management
Hellz Wind Staff

weak convergence of probability distribution:概率分布的弱收敛

weak color 弱色 | weak convergence of probability distribution 概率分布的弱收敛 | weak inhibited type 弱抑制型

Florescent lamp:荧光灯

Swing arm wall lamp摇臂灯 | Florescent lamp荧光灯 | Acrylic lamp亚克力灯

scalar wave equation:标量波动方程

标量波 scalar wave | 标量波动方程 scalar wave equation | 标量波动理论 scalar wave theory