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spitting image相关的网络解释

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与 spitting image 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

spitting image:怎么用英语说"有其父必有其子"呢

spitting image怎么用英语说"有其父必有其子"呢? | blackmail e-mail可以变成blackmail吗? | ring a bell有没有想起什么?

spitting image:简直一模一样的人

spitfire 烈性子 | spitting image 简直一模一样的人 | spittle 唾沫

spitting image:一个模子扣出来的

Sack 解雇 | Spitting image 一个模子扣出来的 | Etiquette 礼仪

spitting image:酷似,几乎一模一样

Spit the dummy 婴儿为了哭吐掉奶嘴 | Spitting image "酷似,几乎一模一样 | Split hairs 斤斤计较

the spitting image:酷似

101. skirt around 对某事避而不谈 | 102. the spitting image 酷似 | 103. stew in one's own juice 自作自受

the spitting image of:很象

51. 大吵大闹 yell bloody murder | 52. 很象 the spitting image of | 53. 绝交信 Dear John

the spitting image of:很像

1. 大吵大闹 yell bloody murder | 2. 很像 the spitting image of | 3. 绝交信Dear John.

spitting image of someone:于某人一模一样

spineless 没有骨气 | spitting image of someone 于某人一模一样 | spoil child 放纵的孩子

the spitting image of someone:和某人一模一样

let up;休息一下,缓和下来 | the spitting image of someone;和某人一模一样 | see someone in his flesh;亲眼看看某人

You are his spitting image:你们简直一模一样

82. Your uncle is my most memorable patient;你叔叔是我印象中最深刻的病人 | 83. You are his spitting image;你们简直一模一样 | 84. You look exactly like him;你跟他一模一样

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Spitting Image

territorial waters:鍰漆

﹛﹛Term 芩華逤? | ﹛﹛Territorial Waters 鍰漆 | ﹛﹛The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance 悵玸珛潼燴揭


Mesostigmata 中气门亚目 中气亚目 | Mesostoma 中口涡虫属 | Mesosuchia 中鳄亚目

Hit Team:重装警察

新扎师妹 Love Undercover (2002) | 重装警察 Hit Team (2001) | 游园惊梦 Peony Pavilion (2001)