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so relieved:他会松口气 还可能会开心得给我们奖赏

No shit...|说真的... | he's gonna be relieved, he might even be|so relieved, that he gives us a reward.|他会松口气 还可能会开心得给我们奖赏 | I would be very fucking surprised,|if he did not.|如果他不给...

All right? He has a jet pack. So did the Rocketeer:他有个火箭背包 - 火箭人也有

that Boba Fett is some kind of bad-ass.|波巴.费特,好像他是个人物似的好吗? | All right? He has a jet pack. So did the Rocketeer.|- 他有个火箭背包 - 火箭人也有 | - Really cool. - Here we go.|非常酷

Your hands are so rough:你的手真粗糙

- and I get to see that big hog of yours.- I'm on it.|- 我还要看看你的大阳具 - 我上了啊 | Your hands are so rough.|你的手真粗糙 | Okay,now let me see your vag.|好 现在让我看看你的阴道吧

So off I went to Sandhurst:于是我就去了英国陆军军官学校

"Oh yes, sir," I said."That'd be splendid."|"噢 是的 父亲" 我回答说 "这样再好不过了" | So off I went to Sandhurst.|于是我就去了英国陆军军官学校 | Well, I thought he'd sent me there|我以为他送我去那里

Why second-guess, what feels so right:为何再次猜测,感觉如此甜美

I can do that for you if you believe in me 只要你相信我,我愿为... | Why second-guess, what feels so right 为何再次猜测,感觉如此甜美 | Just trust your heart, and you'll see the light 只要相信你的心,你就...


1.表示时间:now,then,suddenly,before,afterwards,later,so... | 2.表示空间顺序:first,secondly, far,above,below,near,beside,to the right,on one side... | 3.表示目的:for this purpose,for this reason,so that...

But I don't have any self respect, so I put you down half of the mountain:但是我不是一般的飞行员哦, 我把你们降在半山腰好了

Well a selfrespecting pilot that would land o... | But I don't have any self respect, so I put you down half of the mountain.|但是我不是一般的飞行员哦, 我把你们降在半山腰好了. | Still it will give us a...

self-proclaimed: So called by oneself; self-styled:自称的;自封的

versatile: Of a generalist; capable of doing many things competently. 多才多艺... | self-proclaimed: So called by oneself; self-styled. 自称的;自封的. | purr: A sound similar to that made by a cat. 咕噜...

The shedder, whoever he is, he's so virulent, he must have been symptomatic:散播者, 不管他是谁 他身体里的病毒非常强, 所以他一定会有症状

That won't do it. Why not... | The shedder, whoever he is, he's so virulent, he must have been symptomatic.|散播者, 不管他是谁 他身体里的病毒非常强, 所以他一定会有症状 | Cuddy would have noticed him. H...

couldn't bear to look at me, I wouldn't go so far as to shoplift:不能忍受看我 我也不会为此去商店偷东西

[House] Yeah, I'm sure that if ev... | couldn't bear to look at me, I wouldn't go so far as to shoplift.|不能忍受看我 我也不会为此去商店偷东西 | I'm not talking about the shoplifting. I'm sure she didn...

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So, It's Like That
That's Why I Love You So Much
That Same So-So Tune
Isn't That So
Say It Isn't So / Blue Skies / Here's That Rainy Day
Is That So Wrong
Hear The Noise That Moves So Soft And Low
Isn't That So
So Tonight That I Might See
That's Why I Love Her So

soot door:出灰口

soot pit 出灰坑 | soot door 出灰口 | soot 烟黑

Meat Tenderize:肉锤

Sharpening Steel磨刀棒 | Meat Tenderize肉锤 | Film保鲜膜

Tamil Nadu:泰米尔纳德

海得拉巴珠宝展主要的目标买家来自南印度四个邦--安得拉邦(Andhra Pradesh), 泰米尔纳德(Tamil Nadu), 喀拉拉(Kerala), 卡纳塔克(Kamataka)及中东. 这些买家包括珠宝批发商、零售商、进出口商、珠宝制造商、钻石及宝石供应商及经销商、珍珠供应商及经销商、贵金属及镶嵌珠宝的供应商及经销商、奢侈品个人消费者.