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Rather sit by the beachside listening to music on my headset and appreciating nature:放假的话,我要
我热爱Entrepreneurship | 最想去的地方I would have loved to see paris but i've not been there a... | 放假的话,我要...Rather sit by the beachside listening to music on my headset and appreciating nature.
Bed-sit Leprosy:麻风
Velvet 天鹅绒 | Bed-sit Leprosy 麻风 | Epidemic 传染病
I don't want to sit next to that old blowhard:我不想坐在那个爱自吹自擂的老人旁边
18) Lisa is blow-drying her hair. 莉萨正在吹干... | 19) I don't want to sit next to that old blowhard. 我不想坐在那个爱自吹自擂的老人旁边. | 20) Let's not let things get blown out of proportion. 我们不...
PULLDOWN MACHINE - 下压(拉)机(不是"垃圾"啦,背部下拉或者三头下压的那个东西) | SIT UP BOARD -仰卧起坐板 | SMITH MACHINE -史密斯训练架
sit there in a brown study:沉思
4. bring/drive sb. to bay 使......陷入绝境 / 走投无路 | 5. sit there in a brown study 沉思 | 6. brown-nose sb. 拍......马屁
sit in the catbird seat:处于必胜无疑的地位
289. sitting pretty 某人处于不愁吃穿,经济宽裕的地位 | 290. sit in the catbird seat 处于必胜无疑的地位 | 291. happy as a clam 虽境遇平常,却怡然自得的心境
sit in the catbird seat:必胜无疑
必胜无疑sit in the catbird seat | 自得其乐happy as a clam | 立刻回想起 have a flashback to
Would sit in the center of a circle of scooped up turnips:坐在头骨围成的圆圈里
A druid that was thought to be the target of an evil spirit|他们成为了邪... | Would sit in the center of a circle of scooped up turnips|坐在头骨围成的圆圈里 | Fashioned into skulls|头骨是用挖空的大头菜...
The Nerves sit ceremonious, like Tombs:神經有禮的坐著,像是墓碑一般
After great pain, a formal feeling comes -- 在巨大的疼痛之後,正... | The Nerves sit ceremonious, like Tombs -- 神經有禮的坐著,像是墓碑一般 | The stiff Heart questions was it He, that bore,堅硬的心所詢問...
Honey You Sit Back And Relax And Let Choli Do Her Thing:[甜心 你就休息会 放松点 然后就让choli做她能做的吧]
So Do You Think You Could Really Make Me Look Like This... | Honey You Sit Back And Relax And Let Choli Do Her Thing [甜心 你就休息会 放松点 然后就让choli做她能做的吧] | We Gon' Need The Big Tweezers [...
- 相关中文对照歌词
- Sit With A Slouch
- Can I Sit Next To You Girl
- I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Write Myself A Letter
- Sit Back Down
- Don't Sit Down 'Cause I've Moved Your Chair
- Sit Down And Cry
- Sit Down, You're Rocking The Boat
- Sit N Prey
- I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Write Myself A Letter
- Don't Sit Under The Apple Tree
- 推荐网络解释
Greco-Latin square:希腊拉丁方格
Granduation of curve 曲线递合 | Greco-Latin square 希腊拉丁方格 | Grand lot 大批
斜拉器:kicking strap | 帆前角下拉索:cunningham | 调整索:outhaul
软性玩具 soft toy | 塞得过满 overstuffed | 教边 fray