英语人>网络解释>she-demon 相关的网络解释

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与 she-demon 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She could wear a pantsuit, if that's the issue:她可以穿便装,如果可以的话

but like I say, she won't feel uncomfortable at all.|但就... | She could wear a pantsuit, if that's the issue.|她可以穿便装,如果可以的话 | - It's not formal or anything. - No. It's not the problem, Nath...

behind her ears while she orgasms:能把她的脚踝抬到她耳朵后面

As much as I applaud the fact she can pin both ankles|不是我夸她... | behind her ears while she orgasms,|能把她的脚踝抬到她耳朵后面 | it's just always felt like emotional quicksand, you know?|情感上总感...

It's, like, she's nympho:那就像是女色情狂

Yeah, that's Phoebe. That's Phoebe. You know, she just wants them all.|是啊,菲比就是那样,她就是那样 你知道的,她就是全部都要 | It's, like, she's nympho.|那就像是女色情狂 | - Wow! - Yeah.|-哇! -是啊

Pomegranates, grapefruits, nectarines. She's ordering a fruit cocktail:石榴,葡萄,油桃 - 她这是在点果味鸡尾酒呢

Manny. Pineapples. Pineapples. She gets c... | Pomegranates, grapefruits, nectarines. She's ordering a fruit cocktail.|- 石榴,葡萄,油桃 - 她这是在点果味鸡尾酒呢 | Come on, think. Peaches! Peaches...? P...

She picked her way down the food chain:她就找次一等的那拨人去了

Anyway, Em tagged after them for a bit, but it didn't work out.|... | She picked her way down the food chain.|她就找次一等的那拨人去了 | Last I saw, she was with what's her name, the drama vamp.|上次看...

Our intel suggests she's in town to meet this woman. Ninotchka Kaprova:情报指出,她是回来见这个人... 妮诺其卡.卡波瓦

So why do you think she's back in tow... | Our intel suggests she's in town to meet this woman. Ninotchka Kaprova.|情报指出,她是回来见这个人... 妮诺其卡.卡波瓦 | Ex-KGB, now freelance assassin.|前苏联国...

she's tone-deaf:她是音盲

she's pitchy|她很粘人 | she's tone-deaf|她是音盲 | i'm bitchy|我很浪荡

She's tight-lipped:她口风很紧

828. 她是我的宝贝 She is my sweetheart | 829. 她口风很紧 She's tight-lipped | 830. 您能这样说,我非常感谢 Thanks for saying so

She tries to sugar-coat her unreasonable demands so they're harder to refuse:她尽量粉饰自己的不合理要求,使其难以抗拒

How are you, sugar? 你好吗,宝贝? | She tries to sugar-coat her unreasonable demands so they're harder to refuse. 她尽量粉饰自己的不合理要求,使其难以抗拒. | She's sweet as sugar. 她非常可爱.

She swallowed the spider to catch the fly:而吞蜘蛛是为了抓蚊子

That wiggled and wriggled and jiggled inside her. 那只她肚子里扭阿扭... | She swallowed the spider to catch the fly. 而吞蜘蛛是为了抓蚊子. | I don't know why she swallowed a fly. 我就是不明白她为什么吞那...

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She's Only Happy When She's Dancin'
She Loves Me, She Don't Love You
If She Knew What She Wants
She Said, She Said
She Don't Know She's Perfect
She Don't Love Me (She Don't Hate Me)
She Said, She Said
She Doesn't Know She's Got It
When She's Gone, She's Gone
The Flowers She Sent And The Flowers She Said She Sent

Res Judicata:已决事件

[5] 也不能排除下级法院-尤其是州法院-决定立法的合宪性问题,而该案未被带到最高法院,且最高法院在另一个案例中审查同样的立法时以相反的方式决定问题. 然后,已决事件(res judicata)原则使得其它法院不可能根据最高法院的决定来调整其先前决定.

observe the proprieties:守礼节; 依照社交惯例

a breach of propriety 失礼行为 | observe the proprieties 守礼节; 依照社交惯例 | I doubt the propriety of doing so.我怀疑这样做是否适当.

eleven consciousnesses:十一識

eleven coarse and heavy hindrances 十一种麁重, 十一麁重 | eleven consciousnesses 十一识 | Eleven kinds of emptiness 十一空