英语人>网络解释>she-demon 相关的网络解释

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与 she-demon 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She is among the best of our typists:她是我们最好打字员之一

She is among my most welcome visitors.她是我最欢迎的来访者之一. | She is among the best of our typists.她是我们最好打字员之一. | a village among hills群山环抱的村庄

making those seashell thingies she makes:做她的那些贝壳了

well, she could spend her whole summer|她可以整个夏天 | making those seashell thingies she makes.|做她的那些贝壳了 | And Gramps could finally finish|还有外公可以

she had to shortage of suitors:她可不乏追求者

like to play the buck. 喜欢风流快活. | she had to shortage of suitors. 她可不乏追求者. | she's a captive. 她被囚禁了.

She's a spritzer girl:她是推销香水的

No, she sells perfume at Saks.|不是 她在Saks卖香水 | She's a spritzer girl?|她是推销香水的? | I mean, how could I not have known?|我是说 我怎么还被蒙在鼓里?

I thought she was once removed:我以为她被开除了呢

Doesn't matter, Stephen. She was your niece.|不是因为这个,而是因为 她演的是你侄女 | I thought she was once removed.|我以为她被开除了呢 | Doesn't matter, Stephen.|不是这个问题

Shiatsu she-ah-tsoo:指圧

Naha-te nah-hah-tay 那覇手 One of the two main original Okinawan karate styl... | Shiatsu she-ah-tsoo 指圧 Meridian Massage | Shito-ryu she-toh roo 糸東流 Combination of Naha-te & Suri-te Okinawan kara...

She's dressed in silks and satins now:她现在穿着绫罗绸缎

Who called her his dear. 称呼她亲爱的这位船长 | She's dressed in silks and satins now, 她现在穿着绫罗绸缎 | She cuts a gallant show, 她来了个华丽的

She works at that lame disco, Razzmatazz:她在那家烂迪斯可舞厅工作 叫什么狂欢舞厅

Yeah, she is.|对,没错 | She works at that lame disco, Razzmatazz.|她在那家烂迪斯可舞厅工作 叫什么狂欢舞厅 | - It's kind of sad. - Oh, yeah? I've never been there.|-有点悲哀 -是吗?我没去过

She's plain/plain-looking:她相貌平平(该词是ugly的委婉说法)

10)He's really a law-down dirty shame. 他是个不知羞耻的人. | 1) She's plain/plain-looking. 她相貌平平(该词是ugly的委婉说法) | 2) She's a pill. 她是个讨厌的人. (不到万不得已,没人喜欢吃药吧)

Yeah. Did you see where she went? - Past porcupines and the bird's tree:不错,你看到她去哪里了? - 她路过豪猪窝还有鸟儿呆的树

I was watching the girl li... | - Yeah. Did you see where she went? - Past porcupines and the bird's tree,|- 不错,你看到她去哪里了? - 她路过豪猪窝还有鸟儿呆的树 | guy with the beard, now she's up the c...

第79/100页 首页 < ... 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 ... > 尾页
She's Only Happy When She's Dancin'
She Loves Me, She Don't Love You
If She Knew What She Wants
She Said, She Said
She Don't Know She's Perfect
She Don't Love Me (She Don't Hate Me)
She Said, She Said
She Doesn't Know She's Got It
When She's Gone, She's Gone
The Flowers She Sent And The Flowers She Said She Sent

Res Judicata:已决事件

[5] 也不能排除下级法院-尤其是州法院-决定立法的合宪性问题,而该案未被带到最高法院,且最高法院在另一个案例中审查同样的立法时以相反的方式决定问题. 然后,已决事件(res judicata)原则使得其它法院不可能根据最高法院的决定来调整其先前决定.

observe the proprieties:守礼节; 依照社交惯例

a breach of propriety 失礼行为 | observe the proprieties 守礼节; 依照社交惯例 | I doubt the propriety of doing so.我怀疑这样做是否适当.

eleven consciousnesses:十一識

eleven coarse and heavy hindrances 十一种麁重, 十一麁重 | eleven consciousnesses 十一识 | Eleven kinds of emptiness 十一空