英语人>网络解释>she-demon 相关的网络解释

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与 she-demon 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She decided she wasn't gonna let her Mr. Fix-It get away:不让她的修理先生离开

Charlotte made a decision.|夏绿蒂决定 | She decided she wasn't gonna let her Mr. Fix-It get away.|不让她的修理先生离开 | While women are certainly no strangers to faking it...|女人对于伪装毫不陌生

She had a foreboding that she's never see him again:她有预感,觉得再也见不到他了

as grave as an owl 摆出一付严肃的神气, 板起脸孔 | She had a foreboding that she's never see him again. 她有预感,觉得再也见不到他了. | loom large 显得严重[突出]

She has a freckled face:她有一张长满雀斑的脸

6) She's on the shelf. 她嫁不出去. (想想看,你家书架上的书是否乏人问津?) | 7) She has a freckled face. 她有一张长满雀斑的脸. | 8) She gives me the creeps. 她让我不寒而栗.

You're right, that is an ugly word. She's full-figured:你说得对,那么说太过分了 它只是有点丰腴

She's not fat.|它不是变胖 | You're right, that is an ugly word. She's full-figured.|你说得对,那么说太过分了 它只是有点丰腴 | No, she's pregnant.|不,它怀孕了

She soon gets down, but she just as soon recovers her cheer fulness:她容易灰心丧气,但恢复愉快的心情也很快

4.become depressed 沮丧;垂头丧气 | She soon gets down, but she just as soon recovers her cheer fulness.她容易灰心丧气,但恢复愉快的心情也很快. | 5.depress sb.or impair sb.'s health使沮丧;使苦闷或损害...

She grudgingly admitted she was wrong:她勉强承认了错误

10. I balk at the idea. 我个主意我不太喜欢. | 1. She grudgingly admitted she was wrong. 她勉强承认了错误. | 2. I hold him in awe. 我对他很敬重.

She, uh, she's Hadassah:她 她叫

in this prayer book that's named for Lieberman's wife.|以Lieberman妻子命名的 祷... | She, uh, she's Hadassah.|她 她叫Hadassah | The... I think the prayer book is called Haggadah.|而... 我想这本祷告书叫...

She was hand-picked by house:她是Hosue亲手挑的

She's not competing.|她不是来竞争的 | She was hand-picked by house.|她是Hosue亲手挑的 | She's safe,like foreman.|她安全的很 跟Foreman一样

She loves my healthiness:她爱我的嘻哈味道

She loves that I'm plumpy.|她爱我的丰满 | She loves my healthiness.|她爱我的嘻哈味道 | She loves my zestiness.|她爱我的风趣

She is the heaven-sent angel youmet:她是来自天堂的天使

She is the one that you never forget 她就是那个你忘不了的人啊 | She is the heaven-sent angel youmet 她是来自天堂的天使 | Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl哦,她才是真正原因,上帝为什么要造...

第12/100页 首页 < ... 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ... > 尾页
She's Only Happy When She's Dancin'
She Loves Me, She Don't Love You
If She Knew What She Wants
She Said, She Said
She Don't Know She's Perfect
She Don't Love Me (She Don't Hate Me)
She Said, She Said
She Doesn't Know She's Got It
When She's Gone, She's Gone
The Flowers She Sent And The Flowers She Said She Sent

mine-run coal:原煤

"mine resistance","通风阻力 ; 矿阻" | "mine-run coal","原煤" | "mine salting","矿石渗杂"

PA: Pennsylvania:美国宾夕法尼亚州州名

ancestry 祖先(集合称), 家系, 血统 | Pa. Pennsylvania 美国宾夕法尼亚州州名 | booster locomotive 辅助机车

corrugate steel fibers:卷曲钢纤维

corrosion inhibiting, , admixture 防锈掺会料 | corrugate steel fibers 卷曲钢纤维 | corrugated aluminium 波状铝板