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与 seven 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bilbo, Sparhawk, goblins and pixies, Bilbo:雀鹰,哥布林和小精灵

At the grove I met rest-the folk of my fantasies 树丛中,我遇见了幻梦... | Bilbo, Sparhawk, goblins and pixies, Bilbo,雀鹰,哥布林和小精灵 | Snowman, Willow, trolls and the seven dwarfs 还有雪人,柳精,巨人...

High and splendorous, of a million varieties:高妙万亿种

Hold banners and canopies made of seven treasures, 执七宝幡盖 | High and splendorous, of a million varieties, 高妙万亿种 | In a procession that reaches the Brahma heavens. 次第至梵天

like my fathers come to pass:就像父辈们来到这个世上是为了离开

wake me up when september ends 九月过去时 记得唤醒我 | like my fathers come to pass 就像父辈们来到这个世上是为了离开 | seven years has gone so fast 七年时间过的如此之快

like my fathers come to pass:像曾经的父辈们一样 他们注定要离开

wake me up when september ends 请记得唤醒我 当九月走过 | like my fathers come to pass 像曾经的父辈们一样 他们注定要离开 | seven years has gone so fast 七年就如同白驹过隙

like my fathers come to pass:像父辈们来到这个世界,只为了离开

wake me up when september ends 九月过去时,请唤醒我吧 | like my fathers come to pass 像父辈们来到这个世界,只为了离开 | seven years has gone so fast 七年的时光如同流转

like my fathers come to pass:我们的父辈成为过往

wake me up when september ends 在九月结束时唤醒我 | like my fathers come to pass 我们的父辈成为过往 | seven years has gone so fast 七年之长也仿佛稍纵即逝

This is my dog;It's black:这是我的狗,它是黑色的

I'm seven.This is my house.It's white. 我七岁啦. 这是我的房子,它是白色的. | This is my dog;It's black. 这是我的狗,它是黑色的. | That's our tree.It's green. 那是我们的树,它是绿色的.

high and low:天国与地狱

这位大师死后对全球电影仍有深远影响,看看最近荷里活买下他几部经典作品的版权准备翻拍(包括美高梅(MGM)又一新版<<七武士>>(The Seven Samurai)及迪士尼(Disney)的<<天国与地狱>>(High and Low)),就可知一二了.

in the majority of:大多数

6. six in seven... 七分之一 | 8. in the majority of 大多数... | 9. be disappointed with. 对某人失望

They make a big mess, then go to rest in bed! I with they'd drop dead:他们搅得乱七八糟, 然后就上床休息去了! 我希望他们见鬼去

[31:40.46]19.My seven guests ... | [31:46.97]They make a big mess, then go to rest in bed! I with they'd drop dead!;他们搅得乱七八糟, 然后就上床休息去了! 我希望他们见鬼去! | [31:54.67]20.Let's get read...

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Twenty-Four, Seven
Seven Stars
La Seven
Seven & Seven Is
Seven Turns
A Tall Seven And Seven
Seven Nights, Seven Days
Seven Forty Seven
Seven Thirty Seven/Shoe Glue
Seven And Seven Is


perilymph 外淋巴 | perilymphangitis 淋巴管周炎 | perimeter 视野计


won 元 | matta 对(没错) | jeulgeoptta 愉快

Phototactic behaviour:趋光行为

有关研究为生物监测提供了一种很有应用前景的方法.但是,该方法尚处于研究初期,在理论与应用方面所积累的资料很少,国内尚无有关的研究.因此,利用溞科浮游生物的趋光行为(phototactic behaviour)监测环境中的污染物质,