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与 saints 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

anti-fake label:出局 force out 防伪标志

封圣 "canonization of ""Saints""" | **出局 force out 防伪标志 anti-fake label | 访谈式竞选 (候选人在电视访谈节目中亮相进行的竞选) talk-show campaign

lamaist pagoda:喇嘛塔

舍利子 sarira remains from cremation of Buddha's or saints' body | 喇嘛塔 Lamaist pagoda | 楼 storied buildings

lamaist pagoda:喇叭塔

舍利子 sarira remains from cremation of Buddha's of saints' body | 喇叭塔 Lamaist pagoda | 楼 storied buildings

Laud, William:(罗得维廉

Latter Day Saints (末世圣徒) | Laud, William (罗得维廉(1573-1645)) | Lausanne Conference (洛桑会议)

Which mannerly devotion shows in this:(这样才是最虔诚的礼敬)

Juliet.Good pilgrim,you do wrong your handtoo much,(信徒,莫把你的手... | Which mannerly devotion shows in this;(这样才是最虔诚的礼敬) | For saints have hands that pilgrims'hands do touch,(神明的手本许信...


诺丁汉郡(Nottinghamshire)曼斯菲尔德(Mansfield)的All Saints' Roman Catholic School老师彼得.哈维,据称在课堂学生的面前,以实验用的金属砝码将学生杰克.沃特豪斯打得头破血流.

From Manzanilla come:走进渐饮渐醉的魂灵

And saints to windows run, 召唤圣徒跳窗逃跑 | To see the little tippler 直到嬉闹的小丑 | From Manzanilla come! 走进渐饮渐醉的魂灵

And find purest gold in miry clay:而且在泥泞的沼泽中找到纯金

That You look beyond our Weakness 你不只看到了我们的软弱 | And find purest gold in miry clay 而且在泥泞的沼泽中找到纯金 | Making sinners into saints 使罪人成圣

Mormon Church:摩门教

摩门教(Mormon Church)的全称和正规称呼为"现代圣耶稣基督教(The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)",总部位于美国犹他州的盐湖城. 下面的前三幅照片是总部的大教堂外景,后面两幅是其后院花园的景色. 1830年4月6日,


[摩门教简介]"摩门教"(Mormonism)又称"耶稣基督末世圣徒教会"(The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints),它在最近数十年,发展非常迅速,拥有四百多万的信徒,建造了许多华美的圣殿,每天有数万名全职自费的传教士,

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The New Patron Saints And Angels
Heaven's Not For Saints
Drunks, Lovers, Sinners And Saints
Saints & Sinners
The Saints
Saints And Sinners
When The Saints Go Marching In
Prayers Of The Saints
The Harlot Ov The Saints

territorial waters:鍰漆

﹛﹛Term 芩華逤? | ﹛﹛Territorial Waters 鍰漆 | ﹛﹛The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance 悵玸珛潼燴揭


Mesostigmata 中气门亚目 中气亚目 | Mesostoma 中口涡虫属 | Mesosuchia 中鳄亚目

Hit Team:重装警察

新扎师妹 Love Undercover (2002) | 重装警察 Hit Team (2001) | 游园惊梦 Peony Pavilion (2001)