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与 riverbank 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In Memory For Comrade In Arms:怀念战友 电影《冰山上的来客》插曲

01. 长亭外 Outside The Pavilion | 02. 怀念战友 电影>插曲 In Memory For Comrade In Arms | 03. 秋水伊人 电影>插曲 She Stands In The Riverbank In Autumn

Life changes from generation to generation:人生代代無窮已

江月何年初照人?And when did the moon by the riverbank first cast its beam on p... | 人生代代無窮已,Life changes from generation to generation. | 江月年年只相似. Yet the moon remains the same throughout...

Meleager, ride to Pharnakes and tell him return to the center:墨勒根,去找法内客斯,告诉他回到中央来

The phalanx is in jeopardy.|... | Meleager, ride to Pharnakes and tell him return to the center.|墨勒根,去找法内客斯,告诉他回到中央来. | Find Hephaistion at the riverbank and bring all cavalry to the ...

Valediction to the bright:向光明吻别

Effulgent sky giggles with tinge 闪亮的天空带着红晕在微笑 | Valediction to the bright 向光明吻别 | Isonomic lovers wander on the riverbank 无眠的恋人在河岸闲荡

Isonomic lovers wander on the riverbank:无眠的恋人在河岸闲荡

Valediction to the bright 向光明吻别 | Isonomic lovers wander on the riverbank 无眠的恋人在河岸闲荡 | Night falls with ecstasy 夜晚在狂喜中降临


river 河 | riverain 河的 | riverbank 河堤


river-fed 河流补给的 | riverain 近河岸的;河流的 | riverbank 河岸

under riverbank you give your words to me:在河岸边你给我你的承诺约言

The birs'll circle around you and ripples鸟群在你和微波四周... | under riverbank you give your words to me在河岸边你给我你的承诺约言 | sometimes it's into sun and it's into prose时而它融入阳光时而它变成...

under riverbank you give your words to me:在河堤下你给了我承诺

the birds were circles around you in ripples /波光中鸟儿在你... | under riverbank you give your words to me /在河堤下你给了我承诺 | Sometimes it's into sun and it's into blues /有时候那是阳光,有时候又...

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Tales From The Riverbank

Proxy Proxy:代理

Protocol: Protocol: 通訊協定: | Proxy Proxy 代理 | Re-request Authorization Re-request Authorization 重新請求批准

insurmountable odds:这里指不可战胜的神话

go before the cameras:开拍 | insurmountable odds:这里指不可战胜的神话 | flick:[俚]电影

24-hour customer helpline:24小时客户服务热线

26. Affinity and cobranded credit cards 亲和卡,联名信用卡 | 27. 24-hour customer helpline 24小时客户服务热线 | 28. Priority banking 优先银行服务