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right on相关的网络解释

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与 right on 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

with the rest of them bigwigs sucking on cannoli and cocktail shrimp right now:和其他头头一起 大啖卡诺里蛋糕和蘸虾

Explains why you ain't safely tucked away ... | with the rest of them bigwigs sucking on cannoli and cocktail shrimp right now.|和其他头头一起 大啖卡诺里蛋糕和蘸虾 | That's why you're the one he left o...

Turn right at the corner of Sunset and Crescent Heights Boulevards:在夕阳街和新月山庄大街路口向右转

There was a large group of youths standing on the s... | Turn right at the corner of Sunset and Crescent Heights Boulevards. 在夕陽街和新月山莊大街路口向右轉. | There's a hotel on/at the corner of my ...

a rabid dog would be feasting on your danglers right now:一只狂犬病疯狗正要吃掉 你裤档里的那根东西了

I swear to Lucifer..|我跟撒旦... | a rabid dog would be feasting on your danglers right now!|一只狂犬病疯狗正要吃掉 你裤档里的那根东西了! | I think you'll feel differently when you know..|我想如果你知道...

Yeah, right. Well, Derek hooked us up with a cabin on one of those freighters:好吧,德瑞克替我们在货轮上准备了一个船舱 )

...you gotta buy the ticket. ( ... | Yeah, right. Well, Derek hooked us up with a cabin on one of those freighters. ( 好吧,德瑞克替我们在货轮上准备了一个船舱 ) | South America via the Great Lakes. ( 从...

Really? "Ginormous" thing on the right side of her intestine. That doesn't intrigue you:是吗? 她小肠右侧有个巨大的东西 你不感兴趣

I don't see anythin... | Really? "Ginormous" thing on the right side of her intestine. That doesn't intrigue you?|是吗? 她小肠右侧有个巨大的东西 你不感兴趣 | Does "ginormous" mean really big, or really...

All right. Bring on the free hootch:好的,上免费的私酒

Loves me. You know what I'm sayin'?|爱上我,你知道我... | All right. Bring on the free hootch.|好的,上免费的私酒 | Free? I didn't invite your tired ass. So, where's your better half?|免费的?我没有邀请你...

我在 Plowers 小径还有栋小木屋:Right, and I have a cabin on Plowers' trail

You and Robbie tend the grounds. You both enjoy it.|你跟罗比照顾草坪,你们两都喜欢这工作 | Right, and I have a cabin on Plowers' trail.|我在 Plowers 小径还有栋小木屋 | I have a dog.|我有只狗

Right, and I have a cabin on Plowers' trail:我在 Plowers 小径还有栋小木屋

You and Robbie tend the grounds. You both enjoy it.|你跟罗比照顾草坪,你们两都喜欢这工作 | Right, and I have a cabin on Plowers' trail.|我在 Plowers 小径还有栋小木屋 | I have a dog.|我有只狗

The ticket window is on the right:右邊售票窗口

86. 哪裡買票? Where can I get my tickets? | 87. 右邊售票窗口!The ticket window is on the right. | 88. 下班到台中的車幾點開? When is the next bus to Taichung?

When its contents turn misty... storm glass on the wall right of door:右墙上的风镜

Ivory daggers... 珍珠演示架中的鲨牙 | When its contents turn misty... storm glass on the wall right of door 右墙上的风镜 | Underneath the ocean, its racing across the land... 海马

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Right On The Money
Right On
Right On Time
She's Right On Time
Right On Time
It Keeps Right On A-Hurtin'
Right On
It Keeps Right On A-Hurtin'
Right On
Right On Right

front slagging:前方除渣(熔铁炉)

"准星","front sight" | "前方除渣(熔铁炉)","front slagging" | "前弹簧","front spring"

make noise:吵闹、发出嘈杂声

85.see to照料、注意; | 86.make noise吵闹、发出嘈杂声; | 87.stare at凝视;

derivative equaliser:孔径均衡器、微分均衡器、群时延均衡器、延迟

aperture corrector with delay line 带有延迟线的... | aperture equaliser, derivative equaliser, group delay equaliser, delay 孔径均衡器、微分均衡器、群时延均衡器、延迟 | apparatus electric circuit 电子篱笆;...