英语人>网络解释>ride 相关的网络解释
与 ride 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I've Thumbed My Last Ride:(我的最后一次蹭车)

55.Why Antarctica Is Being Explored(为什么要勘探南极洲) | 56.I've Thumbed My Last Ride(我的最后一次蹭车) | 57.Listening Faults(聆听的误区)

I've Thumbed My Last Ride:(参考译文:我的最后一次蹭车)

53.Companies(参考译文:企业介绍) 80 | 54. I've Thumbed My Last Ride(参考译文:我的最后一次蹭车) 83 | 55. The Economic War(参考译文:世界经济战) 85

And I mount my horse and ride away, like a water-plant cut adrift:走马兰台类转蓬

嗟余听鼓应官去Till the rolling of a drum, alas, calls me to my duties | 走马兰台类转蓬And I mount my horse and ride away, like a water-plant cut adrift. | abalone鲍鱼

l like to ride this damn thing just for the hell of it:说我喜欢玩这玩意,仅仅因为它好玩

Don't tell anybody...|不要告诉任... | ...l like to ride this damn thing just for the hell of it.|说我喜欢玩这玩意,仅仅因为它好玩 | Being a city official has its perks, you know?|你知道,作为一个领导 我得...

Quite a Ride 15G :On chapter IX on the lift destroy everything that is thrown at you:(第九章:在电梯中击毁所有扔过来的物体)

Mayhem 15G :On chapter III kill 20 armed en... | Quite a Ride 15G :On chapter IX on the lift destroy everything that is thrown at you(第九章:在电梯中击毁所有扔过来的物体). | Gotta Catch em All 40G :Co...

center back ride up:后中起吊

bump at placket edge 筒边钮门位突起 | center back ride up 后中起吊 | center back seam pulling 后中起吊

Donnie, you ride up front:东尼,你走前面

Forget about it.|得了吧,嘿 | Donnie, you ride up front.|东尼,你走前面 | You know what to do when you find that rat, right, Left?|知道怎样对付告密者吧,老左?

center back ride up,center back seam pulling:后中起吊

bump at placket edge 门襟边扣眼位凸起,[粤]筒边钮门位凸起 | center back ride up,center back seam pulling 后中起吊 | checks not match 对格不良

Comfortable covered legbands won't ride up:舒适涵盖legbands将不会坐起来

Waistband designed to hold it's shape腰带设计的举行,它的形状 | Comfortable covered legbands won't ride up舒适涵盖legbands将不会坐起来 | Preshrunk cotton preshrunk棉花

Come on. You can ride up with me:来呀 你可以跟我一起上去

Dan, we're standing on the roof of the hospit... | Come on. You can ride up with me.|来呀 你可以跟我一起上去 | Anybody tell the family that their boy almost stepped off a roof? They must be thrilled.|有...

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Ride The Ride
Ride Natty Ride
Ride Cowboy Ride
Ride On Ride Out
Ride, Ride, Ride
You Ride, We Ride, In My Ride
Ride Sally Ride
Ride Cowboy Ride
Ride Cowboy Ride
Ride Child Ride

CYL or cyl. cylinder:气缸

CW curb weight整备质量 | CYL or cyl. cylinder气缸 | drive(自动变速器)前进档位,档位

Sorrow and balefulness are gonna say goodbye:忧伤和灾难终会跟你说再见

You have my place to stay,you have my mother to stay 我的胸怀可让你倚靠,我... | Sorrow and balefulness are gonna say goodbye 忧伤和灾难终会跟你说再见 | Opens up you'll see the happy sunshine张开眼睛你...

Why would I hallucinate that:为什么我会幻想到这个

She had blonde hair.|她是一头金发 | Why would I hallucinate that?|为什么我会幻想到这个? | Yes.|是啊