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rich family相关的网络解释

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与 rich family 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Can he do it all by himself:他能独自一个人做这事吗

His family is rich. We can't compare our family with his. 他家很富,我们家不可能与他家相比. | 12. by oneself 独自;独立 | Can he do it all by himself?他能独自一个人做这事吗?

Rich as Croesus:非常富有

*Rice missionary 普度众生 | *Rich as Croesus 非常富有 | *Rich man's family 一儿一女的家庭

I want to make a lot of money:我想要赚很多钱

I want to be rich, too. 我还想要有钱. | I want to make a lot of money.我想要赚很多钱. | I want to make my family proud. 我想要让我的家人以我为荣.

A Shepherdess:山叮咚

山村新人/New Comers to the Mountain Village | 山叮咚/A Shepherdess | 山河泪/Tragedy of a Rich Family

The Rich Peasant:富农

家:family | 富农:The Rich Peasant | 农民工:peasant migrant

use up wastefully:挥霍尽;乱花光

1.use up wastefully 挥霍尽;乱花光 | The rich man's son quickly ran through his money.这位富人的儿子很快就把钱挥霍光了. | He ran through the family fortune in a year.他一年之内耗尽了全部家产.

cat-tail family; Typhaceae:香蒲科

香蒲科 cattail family; Typhaceae | 香蒲科 cat-tail family; Typhaceae | 御榖(G.);唐人稗(日本);真珠粟 cat-tail millet; duchan; Egyptian millet; pearl millet; Pennisetum typhoideum Rich

feel even more tired:甚至感到更累

27 再三地,反复地 again and again | 28 甚至感到更累 feel even more tired | 29 来自一个富裕的家庭 come from a rich family

Most otters are solitary:大部分水獭都是独自生活

Adults share their catches with their squabbling cubs.|成年水獭把"战利品"与幼... | Most otters are solitary,|大部分水獭都是独自生活 | but these rich, warm waters can support large family groups|但是这些...


state succession:国家继承

State Statistics Bureau;国家统计局;SSB; | State succession;国家继承;; | State Succession and its impact on nationality of natural and legal persons;国家继承及其对自然人和法人国籍的影响;;

Chlamydial conjunctivitis:衣原体结膜炎

1.衣原体结膜炎(chlamydial conjunctivitis) 衣原体是寄生在细胞内的一种微生物,婴幼儿期可引起结膜炎和肺炎(参阅新生儿肺炎),由于检出率不断提高,现已成为新生儿眼结膜炎的重要病因之一.


mismatch 使配错 | mismate 配合不当 | misname 叫错名字