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与 repeatedly 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

room for The harrows:为精神的责罚空置

You know hearts can be repeatedly broken 你知道心会重蹈碎裂的覆辙 | ****** room for The harrows 为精神的责罚空置 | I buried my tears my smile your name 我埋葬自己的眼泪和欢颜还有你的姓名

Making room for the harrows to come:就是为了盛装更多的苦楚

You know, hearts can be repeatedly broken 你知道,心之所以能一再破裂 | Making room for the harrows to come 就是为了盛装更多的苦楚 | Along with my sorrows I buried 如今,伴随着忧伤,我葬下--

Making room for the harrows to come:让出空间 容纳更多的苦难

Not knowing a farewell awaits 你的甜美让我放弃了自由 | You know, hearts can be repeatedly broken 你知道吗心可以一再破碎 | Making room for the harrows to come 让出空间容纳更多的苦难

Making room for the harrows to come:只为容纳更多的痛楚

You know, hearts can be repeatedly broken 你可知心也会... | Making room for the harrows to come只为容纳更多的痛楚 | Along with my sorrows I buried ... My tears ,my smile ,your name 我的眼泪,我的笑还有你...

Making room for the harrows to come:好腾出更多的空间容纳悲伤

You know, hearts can be repeatedly broken 你可知道,心可以一次又一次被击碎 | Making room for the harrows to come 好腾出更多的空间容纳悲伤 | Along with my sorrows I buried 如今带着遗憾和苦痛 我把

hugs line:保持平行站位

stay back at all times 永远呆在后场 | hugs line 保持平行站位 | likes to beat man repeatedly 喜欢多次打击对手

Triggered willfully not less than 1 7 mousetraps:故意触发至少17个老鼠夹子

Repeatedly engaged in bold and un-meek behavior.|一再进行大胆、不温顺的行为 | Triggered willfully not less than 1 7 mousetraps.|故意触发至少17个老鼠夹子 | Just shameful!|真可耻

The dog's tail wagged:狗尾巴不停摆动

vi. 不停地动;移动 shake quickly and repeatedly from side to side | The dog's tail wagged. 狗尾巴不停摆动. | Her tongue wags a bit too freely. 她的嘴太快了点.

The dog wagged his tail when he saw his master:这条狗见到主人就摇尾巴

He wagged his finger at me. 他向我伸手指指斥. | The dog wagged his tail when he saw his master. 这条狗见到主人就摇尾巴. | vi. 不停地动;移动 shake quickly and repeatedly from side to side

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reliability reassignment:可靠性再分配

reliability program for system 系统可靠性规划 | reliability reassignment 可靠性再分配 | reliability report 可靠性报告

Lots and lots of gum-gum:(很多很多的糖糖)

Yes, I did, fathead.(是的,傻瓜) | Lots and lots of gum-gum.(很多很多的糖糖) | 轉載至奇摩知識+的MAC


multiple-order 多级 | multiple-orificevalve 多孔板阀 | multiple-pass 多程