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与 release 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

squeeze clamps:货件夹钳

squeezable waveguide 可压缩波导管 | squeeze clamps 货件夹钳 | squeeze grip type release valve 压柄式放泄阀

contoured SR:彎型插扣

release SR 反光插扣 | contoured SR 弯型插扣 | ladder lock 梯扣

defaulting party:未履行合同的一方;违约方

⑩ unremedied 未改正的 | defaulting party 未履行合同的一方;违约方 | release 解除

Joseph Detains Benjamin:约瑟用计留便雅悯

44.Joseph s Brothers Returns to Egypt with Benjamin约瑟的哥哥们带便雅悯到埃及 | 45.Joseph Detains Benjamin约瑟用计留便雅悯 | 46.Judah Pleads for Benjamin s Release犹大替便雅悯哀求

Develops creative thinking:(是幼儿创造力思考的发展)

Develops creative thinking (是幼儿创造力思考的发展) | Provides means of communication and self-expression (是提供沟通和自我表达能力渠道) | Serves as an emotional release (是一种抒发感情的方式)

disconnecting valve:截止阀

disconnecting switch 切断开关 | disconnecting valve 截止阀 | disconnector release 拆线器

Company Everts:公司动态

Success Stories 成功案例 | Company Everts 公司动态 | Press Release 新闻发布

Fledging Phoenix Killed in Action:风雏落坡

49 刘备入川 Liu Bei Enters Xichuan | 50 风雏落坡 Fledging Phoenix Killed in Action | 51 义释严颜 Righteous Release of Yan Yan

make inquiries:咨询

think about the gains and losses 权衡利弊 | 6 make inquiries咨询 | release the test score 公布成绩

litters cross fostering study:换窝异亲抚养试验

缓释制剂||sustained release preparation | 换窝异亲抚养试验||litters cross fostering study | 黄体激素类药||luteoids

第71/88页 首页 < ... 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 ... > 尾页
Release Me
Release Me
You Release Me
Release Me
Sweet Release
Release Part 1,2 & 3
Release Me
Release, Release


luciferin 荧光素 | lucifugal 避光的 | lucimycin 鲁斯霉素 光明霉素

order of approximation:近似等级

金文 bell-cauldron inscription, bronze inscription | 近似等级 order of approximation | 竞争和聚合 compete and converge


人和杂食性家畜如猪、犬和猫,以及野生肉食动物,如狐、狼、狗熊、貂和海象以及鼠类等...由巴贝斯科 (Babesiidae) 的原虫所引起的一种梨形虫...由圆形动物门线虫纲(Nematoda)毛圆科(Trichost-rongylidae)血矛属 (Haemonchus)的线虫所引起的一种