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与 release 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Media Monitory and report:媒介监测报告

新闻稿件撰写 News release Enhancement | 专题服务项目 Editorial Services | 媒介监测报告 Media Monitory and report

Motor vehicle emissions:机动车辆排放物

突变微生物释放 Mutated microorganisms release | 机动车辆排放物 Motor vehicle emissions | 以绿色标志促销 Marketing with green labelling

Mumford operation Mumford:手术

莫斯手术 Mosse operation | 手术 Mumford operation Mumford | 肌肉松解术 muscle release operation

As my learned colleague so naively suggests:就如我那位博学多识的朋友 天真的提议

Uh...|呃... | As my learned colleague so naively suggests,|就如我那位博学多识的朋友 天真的提议 | we can release Calypso,and we can pray that she will be merciful.|我们可以释放Calypso(海中女神) 然后祈...

Sweet nauseating pain:甜蜜又噁心的痛苦

Twisting reality 正在扭曲真實 | Sweet nauseating pain 甜蜜又噁心的痛苦 | Is death the only release? 死亡是唯一的出路嗎?

Sympathetic Nerve Endings Widely Distributed In Fetal Heart At Term:交感神经末梢广泛分布于胎儿心脏在任期

System Increases As Fetus Matures Sympathetic System系... | Sympathetic Nerve Endings Widely Distributed In Fetal Heart At Term交感神经末梢广泛分布于胎儿心脏在任期 | Release Norepinephrine If Stimulated...

Net assets disposed:资产净值

本集团所占之已出售 Group's share of | 资产净值 net assets disposed (26,594) - | 出售附属公司时拨回储备 Release of r eserves on disposal of subsidiaries (13,282) -


「TNR就是捕捉(TRAP)、结扎(NEUTER)、原地放养(RELEASE)的缩写,」倪兆成表示,这是有效控制流浪猫狗数量方法,台湾动保团体和爱护流浪动物人士也采用此法. 结扎后能认养最好,不能认养也要等伤口愈合才放养.

news letter bulletin:会讯

new member kit 新会员基本训 教材 | news letter bulletin 会讯 | news release 新闻稿

news conference:记者招待会

六、新闻宣传策划工具的运用 除了必要的原则之外,本人在实践中更经常采用一些新闻宣传策划工具,随时保持与媒介之间的沟通. 新闻宣传策划工具常用的有记者招待会(news conference)、对外宣传统一资料(normative news)、新闻通稿(news release)以及信息通讯(newsletter).

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Release Me
Release Me
You Release Me
Release Me
Sweet Release
Release Part 1,2 & 3
Release Me
Release, Release


plastic 塑胶 | plasticine 塑像用粘土 | plasticity 可塑性

Steel Skeleton Construction:钢骨构造

"钢珠","steel shot" | "钢骨构造","steel skeleton construction" | "钢枕(铁路)","steel sleeper"

Senecio cineraria:银叶菊

垂盆草 Sedum sarmentosum | 银叶菊 Senecio cineraria | 97 加拿大一枝黄花 Solidago canadensis