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与 re-exposure 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And then we're going to be civilised:然后我们开诚布公地谈谈

I'm going to go to the loo, then I'm going to come back.|我去一趟洗手间,然后等我回来 | And then we're going to be civilised.|然后我们开诚布公地谈谈 | Oh, Christ, what now?|哦,老天,怎么了?

But You're Clear-Headed Now,Right? - Yes:但你现在是清醒的 对吧? -对]

I Made A Decision I Was In No Condition To Make. [我是一时糊... | - But You're Clear-Headed Now,Right? - Yes. [-但你现在是清醒的 对吧? -对] | Then You'll Understand Perfectly When I Say [那你就能完全理...

i made a decision i was in no condition to make. but you're clear-headed now,right:我当时糊里糊涂地做了一个决定 - 但你现在很清醒 不是吗

i didn't know we were talking abou... | i made a decision i was in no condition to make. but you're clear-headed now,right?|- 我当时糊里糊涂地做了一个决定 - 但你现在很清醒 不是吗 | yes. then you'll und...

You're a close-minded man, Mr. Becket:你心胸太狭隘了 班克特先生

Wear a blue suit when you sell that to the jury.|等上了法庭你再装神弄鬼 | - You're a close-minded man, Mr. Becket.|你心胸太狭隘了 班克特先生 | - And why is that, Doctor?|从何说起 博士?

You're a clotheshorse:你很会搭配衣服

我不想乱花钱. I don't like to throw my money down the hill. | 你很会搭配衣服. You're a clotheshorse. | 我爱打扮. I love dressing up.

Mother, we're talking about an introduction to a tailor, a clothier:妈妈,你可以再讲讲泰勒的事吗? 好吧

I hope you haven't incurred any obligation... | Mother, we're talking about an introduction to a tailor, a clothier.|妈妈,你可以再讲讲泰勒的事吗? 好吧 | Well, I very much like this material... this fab...

And always remember, you're first a Coburg:永远记住 你是科堡人

Your first visit is the most important. We can not have any mis... | And always remember, you're first a Coburg.|永远记住 你是科堡人 | The King of the Belgians is a Coburg. The King of Portugal is a Co...

Re-confirmed color standard:重新确认颜色标准

Approved color standard 认可颜色标准 | Re-confirmed color standard 重新确认颜色标准 | Qualified our product 认可我们的产品

You know? We're going to come apart at the seams:知道吗?我们要分裂了

I'm fucking sick of it. I can't fucking deal with it.|我烦透了,我处理不了... | You know? We're going to come apart at the seams.|知道吗?我们要分裂了 | I don't know what's going to happen.|我不知道将会发...

I'm sorry, Khan. We're gonna come back in one second:不好意思,可汗 我们一会就回来

- Write in capital letters. - Why don't you write it?|-... | I'm sorry, Khan. We're gonna come back in one second.|不好意思,可汗 我们一会就回来 | You dictate, I'll write. And I will write like a human....

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They're Not Horses, They're Unicorns
You're A Dancer, You're Not A Lover
You're So Good When You're Bad
Sometimes You're The Hammer, Sometimes You're The Nail
They're Not Here, They're Not Coming
You're My Heart, You're My Soul
You're My One, You're My Only, You're My Beer
You're 39, You're Beautiful And You're Mine
You're Sixteen (You're Beautiful You're Mine)
You're Sixteen (You're Beautiful And You're Mine)

pensionable emolument:可供计算退休金的薪酬

pensionable child 可领取抚恤金的子女 | pensionable emolument 可供计算退休金的薪酬 | pensionable establishment 可享退休金人员编制

heat pump evaporator:热泵蒸发器

热泵干燥器 heat pump dryer | 热泵蒸发器 heat pump evaporator | 润药机 herbal medicine infiltrating machine

resistant varieties:抗性品种

Resistance to chemical 抵抗化学物质 | Resistant varieties 抗性品种 | Respiration 呼吸作用