英语人>网络解释>rain 相关的网络解释
与 rain 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


张教授首先从当前全球的环境问题入手,图文并茂的提出了当前八大主要环境问题:全球变暖(Global Warming)、臭氧空洞(Ozone Depletion)、酸雨(Acid Rain)、土壤沙漠化(Desertification)、水资源短缺和水体富营养化(Eutrophication)、固体废弃物

Railway Development Section:铁路发展组(地政总署组别)

quit 迁出 | Railway Development Section 铁路发展组(地政总署组别) | rain shelter 避雨亭

Devoted To You:奉献给你

14 Crying in the rain 在雨中哭泣 | 15 Devoted to you 奉献给你 | 16 El condor pasa 老鹰之歌

Morning Dew:晨露

马韦尔在>一诗中,把爱情也形容为"植物般的爱情"(vegetable love),赫里克在>等诗中,则使用"夏雨"(summer rain),"晨露"(morning dew)等一些自然意象来象征人生的短暂.

Like the first dewfall on the first grass:猶如嫩綠草原的首次降露

Sweet the rain's new fall,sunlit from heaven 甘露初降,日照天際 | Like the first dewfall on the first grass 猶如嫩綠草原的首次降露 | Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden 讚美花園滋潤的愉悅

Earthquake aid heading for disaster area:四川賑災毛毯

1. 四川賑災毛毯 Earthquake aid heading for disaster area | 2. 四川家屬關懷 Care for women with family in quake area | 3. 四川天候 Rain delays rescue effort

I hope so. She's just a displaced person:希望如此,她只是无所适从而已

18 How's David? - Better, now he's flat on his back. -大卫还好吗?-... | 19 I hope so. She's just a displaced person. 希望如此,她只是无所适从而已. | 20 - You can order yourself some rain. - Sure. -你可...

divided skirt, culottes:褲裙

accordion skirt百褶裙 | divided skirt, culottes褲裙 | rain gear雨具

What do you have:你发现什么了

it's the rain that's crunching this crash.|雨水的声音也会 把这些声音给掩盖的 | What do you have?|你发现什么了? | Form follows function.|如出一辙

Dockside Farewell:海港离别

03 秋风夜雨 Autumn Wind With Midnight Rain | 04 海港离别 Dockside Farewell | 05 白牡丹 White Peony

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Walking In The Rain
Here Comes The Rain
I Wish It Would Rain
It Feels Like Rain
Can't Stop My Heart From Loving You (The Rain Song)
Some Days Are Made For Rain
Rain, Rain (Don't Go Away)
Rain, Rain
Rain, Rain, Rain
It Will Rain / Set Fire To The Rain

execute phase:执行阶段

execute part of cycle 周期的执行部分 | execute phase 执行阶段 | execute statement 执行语句

Preed to die:准备死啦

Ready to kill! 准备好杀戮 | Preed to die! 准备死啦 | Let me serve! 让我牺牲

point elasticity of supply:供給點彈性

point elasticity of demand需求點彈性 | point elasticity of supply供給點彈性 | population control人口控制